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Title:Študija primera dvojčic z avtizmom : magistrsko delo študijskega programa druge bolonjske stopnje Zdravstvene vede, Avtizem in sorodne motnje
Authors:ID Kahrić, Lejla (Author)
ID Globačnik, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kahric_Lejla_20234.pdf (5,66 KB)
MD5: 61E7B346EF85827F3B21E663B13B3E7F
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Magistrsko delo je študija primera enojajčnih dvojčic M. in A., pri katerih je bil diagnosticiran avtizem. Namen magistrskega dela je bil izvesti študijo, v katero so bili vključeni starši, vzgojiteljici in učiteljica dvojčic ter na podlagi vseh zbranih ugotovitev podati priporočila za izboljšanje diagnostike, pristopov obravnave in podpore družinam otrok z avtizmom. Raziskava je temeljila na intervjuju s starši ter analizi ocen, ki so jih podali starši, vzgojiteljici in učiteljica s pomočjo ocenjevalne lestvice ALDI. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta M. in A. imeli pomembne težave na področju komunikacije, socialnih interakcij ter prilagajanja fizičnemu okolju, vendar sta obe pokazali tudi znatne izboljšave po uvedbi specifičnih terapevtskih pristopov, kot je metoda Neurofeedback. Družina se je uspešno prilagodila življenju z avtizmom predvsem zaradi podpore specializiranih izobraževalnih programov in intenzivnih obravnav. Delo prispeva k stroki s predlogi za izboljšanje diagnostičnih postopkov, prilagoditev intervencij in podpore družinam, ki se soočajo z avtizmom. Delo poudarja pomen zgodnjega prepoznavanja in celostnega pristopa k obravnavi otrok z avtizmom.
Keywords:študija primera, avtizem, enojajčni dvojčki, pristopi v obravnavi, prilagoditve
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:L. Kahrić
Year of publishing:20234
Year of performance:20234
Number of pages:[5] f., 64 str., [3] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11227 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:219672067 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:18.12.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master's thesis is a case study of identical twins M. and A., who were diagnosed with autism. The purpose of the thesis was to conduct a study involving the parents, the twins' preschool teachers, and their primary school teacher, and based on all the collected findings, provide recommendations for improving diagnostics, treatment approaches, and support for families of children with autism. The research was based on an interview with the parents and an analysis of the evaluations provided by the parents, preschool teachers, and the primary school teacher using the ALDI rating scale. The results showed that M. and A. had significant difficulties in the areas of communication, social interactions, and adapting to the physical environment, but both also showed considerable improvement after the introduction of specific therapeutic approaches, such as the Neurofeedback method. The family successfully adapted to life with autism, primarily due to the support of specialized educational programs and intensive treatments. The thesis contributes to the field by offering suggestions for improving diagnostic procedures, adapting interventions, and supporting families facing autism. The work emphasizes the importance of early identification and a comprehensive approach to the treatment of children with autism.
Keywords:case study, autism, identical twins, approaches in treatment, adaptations
