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Title:Etične dileme v fizioterapiji : pregled literature
Authors:ID Tomšič, Jani (Author)
ID Berčan, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Arko, Živa Vida (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DIP_Tomsic_Jani_2024.pdf (5,68 KB)
MD5: C69990D533168D2C47C3CD511AE2D02E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Izhodišča: Fizioterapija je zdravstvena stroka, ki se ukvarja s preprečevanjem, ocenjevanjem in zdravljenjem različnih fizičnih težav in disfunkcij telesa. Fizioterapevti se pogosto srečujejo z etičnimi dilemami, saj morajo uravnotežiti potrebe in pravice pacientov ter svoje poklicne odgovornosti in slediti zakonom. Skozi nalogo najdemo odgovore na vprašanja, kako etični vidiki vplivajo na odnose fizioterapevtov s pacienti in sodelavci, kako se z etičnimi dilemami spoprijemajo fizioterapevti pri svojem delu ter katere etične dileme se pojavljajo pri delu v fizioterapiji. Metode: Za pridobivanje podatkov smo uporabili vključitvene in izključitvene kriterije. Ključne besede pri iskanju literature v bazah Pubmed, Google Scholar in ScienceDirect so bile: etika, etične dileme, fizioterapevt, fizioterapija ter Ethics, Ethical dilemmas, Physiotherapist in Physiotherapy. Izbrane relevantne članke smo predstavili s PRISMA diagramom. Rezultati: Iz izbranih podatkovnih baz in drugih virov je bilo skupno najdenih 7.738 zadetkov. Po izključitvi nedostopnih virov (n = 3.422) in odstranitvi na podlagi naslovov, izvlečkov ter podatkov o objavi (n = 3.028) je za podrobnejši pregled ostalo 1.288 virov. Po dodatni izključitvi (n = 1.255) je bilo za natančno analizo primernih 27 virov. Diskusija: Cilj naloge je raziskati, kako etični vidiki vplivajo na odnose med fizioterapevti, kako se fizioterapevti spoprijemajo z etičnimi dilemami in katere dileme se pojavljajo v praksi. Ugotovitve pokažejo, da etični vidiki posameznikov vplivajo na timsko dinamiko, zato sta pomembna spoštovanje in izogibanje konfliktom, poleg tega spoprijemanje z dilemami zahteva etično refleksijo, izobraževanje in medsebojno pomoč. Zadnja ključna ugotovitev pa je, da pogoste etične dileme vključujejo samoodločanje pacienta, pravico do zasebnosti in konflikte interesov.
Keywords:etika, etične dileme, fizioterapevt, fizioterapija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:J. Tomšič
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:[6] f., 37 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11363 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:223587331 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:23.01.2025
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Abstract:Abstract: Physiotherapy is a medical profession that deals with the prevention, assessment and treatment of various physical problems and dysfunctions of the body. Physiotherapists often face ethical dilemmas, as they must balance the needs and rights of patients with their professional responsibilities and should as well follow the law. Through the assignment, we find answers to the questions of how ethical aspects affect the relationships of physiotherapists with patients and colleagues, how physiotherapists deal with ethical dilemmas in their work, and which ethical dilemmas arise when working in physiotherapy. Methods: We used a descriptive and research method to collect data. The keywords in the literature search in the Pubmed, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect databases were: ethics, ethical dilemmas, physiotherapist, physiotherapy and Ethics, Ethical dilemmas, Physiotherapist and Physiotherapy. Selected relevant articles were analyzed. Results: A total of 7,738 hits were found from selected databases and other sources. After exclusion of inaccessible sources (n = 3,422) and removal based on titles, abstracts and publication data (n = 3,028), 1,288 sources remained for a more detailed review. After additional exclusion (n = 1,255), 27 sources were suitable for detailed analysis. Discussion: The aim of the assignment was to investigate how ethical aspects affect the relationships between physiotherapists, how physiotherapists cope with ethical dilemmas and which dilemmas arise in practice. The findings showed that the ethical aspects of individuals affect team dynamics, so it is important to respect and avoid conflicts. In addition, dealing with dilemmas requires ethical reflection, education and mutual assistance. The last major finding, however, was that common ethical dilemmas involve patient self-determination, the right to privacy, and conflicts of interest.
Keywords:ethics, ethical dilemmas, physiotherapist, physiotherapy
