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Title:Ideal pozitivne svobode in vloga politične metafore v sodobni družbi : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa prve bolonjske stopnje Humanistični študiji
Authors:ID Božak, Lara (Author)
ID Pirc, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Bozak_Lara_dd_2024.pdf (1,62 MB)
MD5: A1A1214F6050B39A0CED6FF98D75AC6B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:V diplomskem delu želim fenomene pozitivne svobode, utopije, politične metafore in z njimi povezano vseprisotno ideologijo ter polje imaginacije in zamišljanja novega prikazati kot med seboj povezane konstitutivne elemente družbenopolitične realnosti. V nalogi se podrobneje posvetim Rousseaujevemu mišljenju utopije prek njegove politične metafore ljudskega suverena in ideološkim omejitvam pozitivne svobode, h kateri se njegove koncepcije nagibajo. Zanimata me ideologija in utopija, značilni za družbenokulturno imaginacijo, v tematsko drugem delu naloge pa bom predstavila teoretska gledišča metafore. Še posebej me zanima njena vloga pri inventivnem zamišljanju novih in dinamičnih vizij družbenopolitičnih projektov. Obravnavam tudi za našo razpravo pomembna Ricoeurjeva koncepta žive in mrtve metafore, očrtam etični in poetični vidik imaginacije ter prostor dialoga, ki ga skozi formacijo in percepcijo metafore odstira (empatični) potencial poetične imaginacije. Percepcijo (političnih) metafor prepoznavam kot povezano z momenti imaginacije, ustvarjalnosti in inovacije ter ontološke kreativnosti, ki pa so bistveni za mišljenje dobrih ali boljših modelov političnih filozofij.
Keywords:pozitivna svoboda, ideologija, utopija, metafora, prostor dialoga
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:L. Božak
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:[5] f., 48 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11383 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:224246787 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.01.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:In this diploma thesis, the aim is to present the phenomena of positive liberty, utopia, political metaphor and the related pervasive ideology, as well as the field of imagination and imagining the new, as interconnected constitutive elements of socio-political reality. In this thesis, Rousseau's conception of utopia through his political metaphor of the popular sovereign and the ideological limits of positive freedom, towards which his conceptions tend, are addressed in more detail. My interest is focused on the ideology and utopia, which are typical of the sociocultural imagination, whereas in the thematically second part of the thesis, the theoretical perspectives of the metaphor are explicated. A lot of attention is dedicated particularly to the role it has in the inventive imagining of new and dynamic visions of socio-political projects. Also, Ricoeur's concepts of living and dead metaphor, relevant to our discussion, are examined, and ethical and poetic aspects of imagination and the space of dialogue, opened up by the (empathic) potential of the poetic imagination through the formation and perception of metaphor, are outlined. The perception of (political) metaphors are seen as linked to moments of imagination, creativity, innovation and ontological creativity, which are essential for thinking about good or better models of political philosophies.
Keywords:positive liberty, metaphor, ideology, utopia, space of dialogue
