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Title:Načrtovanje rasti podjetja Tikra d. o. o.
Authors:ID Barišić, Goran (Author)
ID Letonja, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 102$$Barisic_Goran_DD_final.pdf (1,18 MB)
MD5: 24C2924723E969284C5CE1771167F080
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:Moderno poslovanje temelji na hitri odzivnosti podjetja na trg kot tudi na odzivu na družbeno-politično situacijo, ki vpliva na poslovanje vsakega podjetja. Sposobnost hitrega prilagajanja, iznajdljivosti in hitrega učenja so ključni dejavniki za uspeh, tako podjetja kot podjetnika. Rast podjetja je rezultat zavestnega, premišljenega in strateško-taktičnega načrtovanja, ki nastane s pomočjo iskrenih odgovorov podjetnika samemu sebi, brainstorminga s sodelavci kot tudi zunanjega svetovanja. V diplomskem delu obravnavam družbo Tikra d. o. o. in njene možnosti za rast. V diplomskem delu sem na začetku predstavil teoretična izhodišča za rast podjetja, ki sem jih povezal s stanjem podjetja. Izvedene so bile različne analize – od različnih finančnih analiz do analize SWOT, ki prikaže podjetju kje in kaj lahko izboljša v svojem poslovanju. Preko teh analiz ter primerjave z drugimi podjetji sem prišel do zaključka, da ima družba Tikra d. o. o. priložnost za rast, ki jo mora izkoristiti. Podjetje ima znanja, ki so predvsem kemijsko-tehnološka in potrebuje dodatna znanja na področju marketinga, četudi najeta, s katerimi bo poskušalo povečati prepoznavnost produktov podjetja in s tem podjetja. Priporočen način rasti je generična rast in diverzifikacija, saj družba lahko začne eksponentno rasti že s povečanjem prodaje, ker njihove trenutno neizkoriščene proizvodne kapacitete podjetju to omogočajo. Cilj diplomskega dela je poiskati poti do rešitev, s katerimi bo družba lahko ponovno zabeležila rast prodaje.
Keywords:poslovni načrt, načrtovanje rasti, generična rast, povečanje prodaje
Place of publishing:Vrhnika
Publisher:[G. Barišić]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1580 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513591682 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:10.08.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:Modern business is based on quick reaction time to the changes on the markets and quick response to the socially-political situation, that impacts any company's business. Quick adjustability, ingenuity and fast learning are the key factors for success, personal as well as of the business itself. Business growth is the result of conscious, well thought and strategic-tactical planing, that was put together with the help of honest answers to the questions that businessmen ask themselves and their teams, team brainstorming as well as external expertise. This thesis deals with business plan for expanding and growth of the company Tikra d.o.o., founded in 1992 by Darko Barišić. In the begining of this thesis I studied and introduced the theory of business growth and connected the similarities between the theory and the practice in the company. Based on the SWOT analysis, different market and financial analysis, I came to the conclusion on the company's status and identified opportunities for improvement. I came to the conclusion that Tikra d.o.o. has got opportunities for growth and needs to utilize its opportunities. The company has extensive knowledge in chemistry, what they need is a good marketing plan, that can be outsorced or the marketing exeprt for marketing actions can be hired. Recommended growth plan is a mixture of generic and diversified growth, because the company can achieve exponential growth with increase of sales and maximizing their production capacity. The goal of this thesis is to identify and show the way to the solution, with which the company will again grow and the business will extend.
Keywords:bussiness plan, planning growth, diversification, new markets
