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Title:Analiza poslovnega okolja in poslovnih priložnosti na Madžarskem
Authors:ID Čigoja, Ines (Author)
ID Dubrovski, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 104$$Cigoja_Ines_final.pdf (1,79 MB)
MD5: 1F59DCA4E78A27AD16FA50A14A685CAA
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:Madžarska je po mnenju strokovnjakov rastoči trg, ki bo tudi v prihodnje ohranjala zdravo gospodarsko rast in politično stabilnost, saj so naslednje predvidene volitve leta 2018. Kljub notranji stabilnosti je zaradi svoje volje znotraj evropskega prostora velikokrat kritizirana s strani Bruslja ter ostalih posameznih držav članic in lahko predstavlja izzive za poslovanje tudi v prihodnje. S strogim politično–ekonomskim režimom, pod taktirko premierja Viktorja Orbána, se je uspešno rešila recesijskega primeža in postaja pravo dinamično, multikulturno okolje. Po drugi strani pa je v percepciji slovenskega gospodarstva nevidna soseda. Tako kažejo tudi statistični podatki ter interes podjetij in posameznikov na raznih poslovnih in kulturnih srečanjih. Je naša šesta najpomembnejša trgovinska partnerica, a zadnja v primerjavi s sosednjo Avstrijo, Italijo in Hrvaško. Zanimivo je, da je Francija (5. partnerica) pred Madžarsko, njena vrednost blagovne menjave s Slovenijo pa temelji skorajda v celoti na delu z Revozom. Primerjalna vrednost blagovne menjave Slovenije z Madžarsko in drugouvrščeno Italijo je trikratna, v prid slednji. Opazno je, da je sodelovanje med Slovenijo in Madžarsko pod dejanskimi zmožnostmi v primerjavi z ostalimi sosednjimi državami, zato smo se v diplomski nalogi odločili analizirati madžarski trg. Cilj naloge je bil analizirati obstoječe stanje bilateralnega sodelovanja med Slovenijo in Madžarsko ter identificirati podjetja, ki poslujejo na trgu. S pomočjo PESTEL analize želimo orisati madžarsko poslovno okolje in njene regije ter izpostaviti posebnosti in značilnosti pri poslovanju. Analizo okolja in sintezo smo podprli z mnenjem podjetij, aktivnih na madžarskem trgu, ki so s svojo subjektivno oceno orisala začetne in glavne ovire pri poslovanju, splošno gospodarsko stanje ter nadaljnje načrte pri poslovanju s slednjo. Do ugotovitev smo prišli s pomočjo empirične analize primarnih in sekundarnih podatkov, ki so pokazali pozitivne rezultate in identifikacijo poslovnih priložnosti v večih panogah ter nekatere potencialne regije kot priložnost zunaj Budimpešte.
Keywords:poslovanje z Madžarsko, bilateralno sodelovanje, PESTEL analiza, madžarske regije, poslovne priložnosti, slovenska podjetja, izzivi in ovire
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Čigoja]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1581 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513591170 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:10.08.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:Hungary, according by the experts, is a growing market that will continue to maintain healthy economic growth in the future and political stability as the following anticipated elections will be in 2018. Despite internal stability, Hungary is often criticized by Brussels and other individual Member States, because of its individualistic will within European area and may cause challenges for doing business in the future. By strict political and economic regime under the leadership of Prime Minister, Victor Orban, Hungary has successfully solved from the grip of the recession and becoming the real dynamic and multicultural environment. On the other hand, Hungary is, by perception of the Slovenian economy, like an invisible neighbour. This is reflected in the statistics data and the interest of companies and individuals in various business and cultural meetings and events. It is our sixth most important trading partner but last in comparison with neighbouring countries as Austria, Italy and Croatia. It is interesting that France (fifth trading partner) is before Hungary and the overall value of trade with Slovenia is practically based by the expense of the Revoz. Comparative value of trade between Slovenia and Hungary and between Slovenia and Italy is three times runner up in favur of the later. It is remarkable that cooperation between Slovenia and Hungary is under actual capabilities compared to other neighbouring countries, thats why we decided in the thesis to analyzed the Hungarian market. The objective of this study was to analyze the current state of bilateral cooperation between Slovenia and Hungary and to identify the companies who operates in the market. Using PESTEL analysis to describe the Hungarian business environment and its regions and to highlight specific features and characteristics of the business. Analysis of the Hungarian environment and syntesis was supported by the opinion of the Slovenian companies, active on the Hungarian, which, with their subjective assessment outlined the initial and the main obstacles to the operations plans in doing business with Hungary. We came to the conclusion through empirical analysis of primary and secondary data, which showed positive results and identification of business opportunities in several sectors and some Hungarian regions as potential opportunity outside of Budapest.
Keywords:doing business with Hungary, bilateral cooperation, PESTEL analysis, Hungarian regions, business opportunities, Slovenian companies, challenges and obstacles
