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Title:Uporaba uravnoteženih sistemov kazalnikov (USK) kot sodobno orodje strateškega managementa s primerom Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana
Authors:ID Pahor, Tilen (Author)
ID Aver, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 93$$Tilen_Pahor_Magistrsko_delo.pdf (3,47 MB)
MD5: 2B580B166E67568C16760F5CBFBC0148
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:Zanimanje za strateški management v bolnišnicah in zdravstvenih organizacijah se je v zadnjih letih močno povečalo. Zdravstveni sistemi po svetu so v težkem finančnem položaju, zato je merjenje uspešnosti in učinkovitosti že skoraj nujno potrebno za dolgoročni uspeh. Bolnišnice, ki so to prve spoznale, so naredile petletni strateški načrt. Dva primera uspešne reorganizacije bom podrobneje opisal v pričujočem magistrskem delu. Če hočemo doseči dobre rezultate, je oblikovanje strateških strategij ključni dejavnik, vendar to samo po sebi ni zadostno za uspeh v zdravstvu. Ključna je implementacija kazalnikov na vseh nivojih bolnišnice. Ker so zdravstvene ustanove v večini veliki in kompleksni sistemi, je to lahko zelo težka naloga. V zadnjem desetletju je metoda balanced scorecard (BSC) oz. uravnoteženi sistem kazalnikov (USK) postala najbolj pogosto uporabljena metoda merjenja učinkovitosti v zdravstvenih organizacijah. Prva uporaba teh kazalnikov v zdravstvu se je pojavila že leta 1992, kosta jo predstavila ustanovitelja Kaplan in Norton. V zadnjih letih se je uporaba uravnoteženih sistemov kazalnikov močno povečala, tudi zaradi prožnosti, ki jih ponuja to orodje. Kazalniki ne morejo biti enaki za vse bolnišnice, treba jih je prilagoditi sistemu in strateškemu položaju. Oblikovanje strateških strategij se začne pri vodstvu in se nato prenese na vse stopnje v organizaciji oz. kliničnih oddelkov. Kot vsak sistem merjenja uspešnosti ima tudi USK več načinov uporabe. Lahko se uporablja kot poslovodno odločanje ali pa je poudarek na načrtovanju, odkrivanju napak, priložnostih itd. Če se USK uporablja pri načrtovanju in za lažje odločanje, je logično, da se razširi njegovo uporabo na podlagi zastavljenih ciljev kot tudi stopnjo uspešnosti pri doseganju teh ciljev. Merjenje z USK se dostikrat izkaže kot slabo, pa ne zaradi slabega načrtovanja, ampak ker se slabo izvaja. USK je zasnovan kot večdimenzionalni merilni sistem in izvajanje strategije je ključnega pomena za nadaljnji uspeh katere koli organizacije. V magistrskemdelu bom predstavil vse priložnosti in ovire pri vzpostavi USK in prikazal primer, kako se lahko kazalniki prikažejo v praksi.
Keywords:uravnotežen sistem kazalnikov, sodobno orodje strateškega managementa, javni zdravstveni zavod, merjenje uspešnosti in učinkovitosti, strateški kazalniki
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Pahor]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1582 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513584514 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:11.08.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:Interest in strategic management in hospitals and health care organizations has in recent years greatly increased. Healthcare systems around the world are in a difficult financial situation, therefore measuring the effectiveness and efficiency is almost indispensable for long-term success. Those hospitals who first realized that made the five year strategic plan. Two examples of successful reorganization will be further described in the master's thesis. If we want to achieve good results, creating strategic strategies is a key factor, but this in itself is not sufficient for success in health care. The key is the implementation of indicators at all levels of the hospital. Since health facilities are large and complex systems, this can be a very difficult task. In the last decade, method BSC, balanced scorecard, has become the most commonly used method for measuring the performance of health care organizations. The first use of these indicators in health care has occurred in 1992, where it was presented by founder Kaplan and Norton. In recent years, the use of balanced system of indicators increased significantly, due to the flexibility offered by this tool. Indicators cannot be the same for all hospitals, it is necessary to adapt them to the system and strategic position. Forming strategic strategy starts with the management and then they have to be transferred to all levels of the organization or clinical departments. As with any system of performance measurement, BSC have also several uses. It can be used as a management or decision-making, the emphasis on planning, fault detection, opportunities etc. If the BSC used in planning and facilitating decision-making, it is logical to extend its application on the basis of the objectives set, as well as the success rate of achieving these objectives. Measurement using the BSC tool often comes with no success, but not because of bad planning, but because of poor implementation. BSC design as a multi-dimensional measurement system and the implementation of the strategy is crucial for the continued success of any organization. In the master thesis I will present all the opportunities and obstacles to establishing BSC and show an example how the indicators may appear in practice.
Keywords:balanced scorecard, modern tool of strategic management, public health institution, the measurement of performance and efficiency, strategic indicators.
