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Authors:ID Srebernjak, Eva (Author)
ID Letonja, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: C4362FE0095DF8DA485AEFABD7359FDF
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:Diplomsko delo je poslovni načrt, ki ga bom kasneje uporabila pri ustanovitvi novega podjetja. Uporabila ga bom kot priročnik, kako voditi podjetje in se ravnala po začrtanih smernicah novoustanovljenega podjetja. Diplomsko delo temelji na ideji za ustanovitev podjetja Eveline Morel. Podjetje bo organizirano kot samostojni podjetnik. Ukvarjalo se bo z izdelavo nakita iz zdravilnih kristalov v kombinaciji z žlahtnimi kovinami, kot so zlato, srebro in platina. Zapestnice, imenovane »BabyLuck bracelet«, bodo služile kot simbolično darilo bodoči mamici na zabavi pred rojstvom otroka (angleško »baby shower«). Konkurenčna prednost podjetja je, da bo edino podjetje, ki bo izdelovalo simbolična darila za tovrstne priložnosti. Odločitev za realizacijo ideje sem dobila poleti leta 2015, ko sem želela na spletu kupiti podobno zapestnico. Ugotovila sem, da bi morala za nakup odšteti približno 700 EUR. Tolikšnega zneska seveda nisem bila pripravljena plačati, zato sem se odločila, da bom zapestnico izdelala sama. Prišla sem do spoznanja, da je med nabavno in prodajno ceno zapestnic ogromna razlika. Glede na to, da je v zadnjem času precej mojih znank in prijateljic nosečih, sem na socialnih medijih zasledila, da množično organizirajo zabave pred rojstvom otroka (angleško »baby shower«). Za tovrstne zabave namenijo kar precej sredstev, trenutno pa nobeno podjetje ne ponuja izdelkov, ki bi se simbolično poklonili bodoči mamici. Tako sta se dve ugotovitvi združili v eno poslovno idejo, in sicer narediti zapestnice, ki bodo predstavljale simbolično darilo za nosečnice na »baby shower« zabavah. Primarna dejavnost bo izdelava in prodaja zapestnic, kasneje pa bom z lastnimi sredstvi in dobičkom ustvarila pogoje za razširjeno ponudbo podjetja. V diplomskem delu sem analizirala panogo, preverila trg, razvojno oblikovala trženjske strategije, zastavila razvojne cilje in preučila tveganja na mikro in makro ravni. S pomočjo finančnih projekcij sem preverila potencialno finančno uspešnost načrtovane dejavnosti. Prišla sem do spoznanja, da za realizacijo poslovnega načrta ne potrebujem kapitala zunanjih investitorjev, saj bom zagon podjetja zmožna financirati z lastnimi sredstvi.
Keywords:poslovni načrt, nakit, BabyLuck zapestnica, darila za nosečnice
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Srebernjak]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1585 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513592450 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:11.08.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis is a business plan, that I'll use for the creation of a new company. I am going to use it as a guide on how to run a business and act according to the guidelines of the newly established companies. The thesis is based on the idea of starting a business Eveline Morel. The company will be organized as an independent contractor. It will deal mainly with the production of articles of the active crystals, in combination with a noble metal such as gold, silver and platinum. Bracelets called "BabyLuck bracelet" will serve as a symbolic gift to future mothers at their party before the birth of a child called "Baby Shower". Competitive advantage is the fact that it will be the first company that will be manufacturing symbolic gifts for such occasions. The decision for the realization of the idea, was born in summer 2015, when I wanted to buy one of those bracelets online. I found out that the cost would be around 700 EUR. Such an amount, of course, I was not willing to pay, so I've decided that I could make bracelets on my own. I came to the conclusion that it's a huge difference between the cost and selling price of such bracelets. Many friends of mine became pregnant and they organize mass entertainment before birth called "Baby Shower". They always spend quite a lot of money for the presents and currently, no company offers products that would be a symbolic tribute to future mothers. Two conclusions merged into a single business idea, to make the bracelets, which will represent a symbolic gift for a pregnant woman, actually for their "baby shower" parties. The prime activity will be manufacturing and selling, but later, with revenue and profits, I'll create the conditions for an expanded offer of the company. In the thesis I analyzed the sector, examine the market development, develop marketing strategies, set development targets and consider the potential risks at the micro and macro level. Through financial projections I checked the potential financial success of planned activities. I came to the conclusion that for the realization of the business plan I don't need external capital investors, because I'll be able to finance it with my own resources. Finally, there is always the market that decides which idea will be successful and which not.
Keywords:business plan, jewelry, BabyLuck bracelet, gift for pregnant lady
