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Title:Poslovni načrt za ustanovitev podjetja za pridelavo industrijske konoplje
Authors:ID Hofman, Dejan (Author)
ID Letonja, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 976E452195C2F7273F210099E1F1356F
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:Pri iskanju idej za uspešno poslovno zgodbo v pomurski regiji je kmetijstvo zaradi naravnih danosti več kot očitna izbira. Z izbrano temo sem želel proučiti možnosti gojenja relativno nove poljščine, to je je industrijska konoplja, preveriti njen tržni potencial in izpostaviti njene pozitivne lastnosti. Ideja je ustanovitev podjetja »Herba aeternam«, ki se ukvarja s pridelovanjem industrijske konoplje za nadaljnjo obdelavo. Podjetje ima v lasti 10 ha obdelovalne zemlje in vso potrebno mehanizacijo. Dolgoročni cilj podjetja je postati vodilni pridelovalec konoplje v državi in postopoma prodirati na tuje trge. V poslovnem načrtu analiziram panogo poljedelstva in velikost potencialnega trga industrijske konoplje. Glede na prepoznani potencial sem sestavil načrt prodaje, opredelil ključne kupce in dobavitelje ter ocenil celotno vrednost investicije. S pomočjo SWOT analize sem proučil prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti, ki čakajo podjetje na poti realizacije, in sestavil strategije vstopa podjetja na trg. V terminskem načrtu sem opredelil posamezne faze, ki so potrebne za uspešen zagon podjetja. Poslovni načrt je potrdil moja predvidevanja, da podjetje za pridelavo industrijske konoplje ob določenih predpostavkah lahko ustvari uspešno poslovno zgodbo. Glede na finančne projekcije dobiček podjetja namreč iz leta v leto raste, od 2.034 EUR v prvem letu pa vse do 14.367 EUR v četrtem letu poslovanja ob dejstvu, da si lastnik kot edini zaposleni izplačujem mesečno plačo v višini 791 EUR.
Keywords:poslovni načrt, novo podjetje, poljedelstvo, industrijska konoplja, gradbeništvo, prehrana, ekološka pridelava.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Hofman]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1594 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513587842 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:11.08.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:When looking for ideas for a successful business story in the Pomurje region is agriculture due to natural conditions the obvious choice. In my thesis I wanted to explore the possibility to grow relatively new crops such as industrial hemp, check its market potential and highlight its positive properties. My business idea is to set up a company called "Herba aeternam", which deals with the cultivation of industrial hemp for further processing. The company owns 10 ha of arable land and all the necessary machinery. The long term goal is to become the leading producer of cannabis in the country and gradually penetrate foreign markets. In the business plan I have analyzed the agriculture sector and the size of the potential market of industrial hemp. Relying on specific capabilities of the company I made a selling plan, located key customers and suppliers and assessed the overall value of the investment. Through SWOT analysis, I pointed out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that await the company on his journey and drew up strategies to enter the market. I also made a time frame, in which I define individual phases that are necessary for the successful start-up companies. The conclusions confirmed my prediction that company for the production of industrial hemp on certain assumptions can create a successful business story. According to the financial projections the profit of the company grows year by year from 2.034 EUR in the first year up to 14.367 EUR in the fourth year of operation, despite the fact that the owner and the only employee of the company is receiving the monthly net paycheck in the amount of 791 EUR.
Keywords:business plan, new venture, agriculture, industrial hemp, construction, food, organic farming
