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Title:Vpliv investicij v omrežje za prenos električne energije na konkurenčnost notranjega trga : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Godina, Duška (Author)
ID Puharič, Krešimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Godina_Duska_i2016.pdf (1,53 MB)
MD5: B2988AB2F0646444FD3A9488013AD580
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Eno izmed pomembnejših področij evropske integracije je področje energetike, zato so institucije Evropske unije in posledično države članice v zadnjih dvajsetih letih temu namenile veliko pozornosti. Bistvene značilnosti liberalizacije energetskega trga so sprememba strukture trga, ločitev dejavnosti, dostop tretje strani do omrežij za prenos in distribucijo električne energije in zemeljskega plina, prosta izbira dobavitelja ter ustanovitev neodvisnih regulativnih organov. Postopek liberalizacije že daje vidne rezultate, saj so se veleprodajne cene električne energije in zemeljskega plina znižale, odjemalci pa imajo večjo izbiro. Cilj dokončne vzpostavitve notranjega energetskega trga do leta 2014 pa ni bil dosežen. Velika ovira za trgovanje med državami članicami in vključevanje razpršene proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih virov je pomanjkanje čezmejnih povezav za prenos električne energije. Intenzivno se razvija proces spajanja trgov, ki blaži učinke povečane proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih virov energije in zagotavlja pretok električne energije z območja z nizkimi cenami na območje z visokimi cenami. Za nadaljnji razvoj notranjega energetskega trga in doseganje večje povezanosti med državami članicami je pomembno skrbno načrtovanje razvoja omrežij na ravni Evropske unije. Osrednjo vlogo bodo pri tem odigrali projekti skupnega interesa in pravila porabe prihodkov iz naslova dodeljevanja čezmejnih prenosnih zmogljivosti.
Keywords:električna energija, zemeljski plin, investicije, konkurenčnost, čezmejno povezovanje, notranji energetski trg, energetska omrežja, energetska politika, Evropska unija, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[D. Godina]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:VI, 116 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1602 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024549985 New window
Note:Mag. delo;
Publication date in ReVIS:17.08.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:The energy sector is one of the most important areas of the European integration, and the European Union institutions, and, consequently, the Member States have over the past 20 years devoted a lot of attention to this issue. Key aspects of energy market liberalization are changes in market structure, unbundling, third party access to the transmission and distribution of gas and electricity networks, free choice of supplier and the establishment of independent energy regulatory authorities. Market liberalization has already delivered positive results, as the wholesale electricity and gas prices declined and consumers have more choices when it comes to choosing an energy supplier. Nevertheless, the EU%s objective of completing the internal energy market by 2014 was not reached. A major obstacle to trade between the Member States and for the integration of renewable-based generation is the lack of cross-border electricity interconnections. Market coupling process that mitigates the effects of an increasing share of renewable-based generation and ensures that the electricity runs from the area with low prices to the area with high prices continues its intensive development. For further development of the internal energy market and achieving better integration among the Member States, it is important to consider the development of the infrastructure at the EU level carefully. Projects of common interest and rules on the use of revenues from the allocation of cross-border interconnection capacity will play a major role in fulfilling the above-mentioned objectives.
