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Title:Razmerje med državo in samoupravno lokalno skupnostjo z vidika delitve pristojnosti ter izvrševanja nadzora : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Kelenc, Boštjan (Author)
ID Senčur, Miloš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Kelenc_Bostjan_i2016.pdf (692,00 KB)
MD5: 95624269E82AD26BCBCA75EDAF47307E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Državo v širšem pomenu lahko razumemo kot družbeno skupnost, ki jo na določenem ozemlju prisilno ureja državna oblast. Gre za nekakšno kombinacijo ozemlja, prebivalstva in prisilne državne oblasti. Državo v ožjem pomenu pa lahko razumemo kot organizacijo javne oblasti v posamezni družbi, torej kot državno oblast, ki ima monopol nad sredstvi za fizično prisiljevanje in nad njihovim izvrševanjem. Državna oblast pa se uresničuje preko različnih oblastnih funkcij države. To so različne oblastne dejavnosti, ki so deljene in jih izvajajo različni državni organi. Ustava Republike Slovenije pravi, da ima v Sloveniji oblast ljudstvo. Državljanke in državljani jo izvršujejo neposredno in z volitvami po načelu delitve oblasti na zakonodajno, izvršilno in sodno. V magistrskem delu bomo tako v začetnem delu obravnavali temeljne pojme, da bi lažje umestili predmet lokalne samouprave v sistem oblasti. V nadaljevanju bomo obravnavali teoretično opredelitev lokalne samouprave ter normativno ureditev oziroma pravno podlago za ustanovitev in delo samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti. Sledil bo zgodovinski pregled lokalne samouprave na Slovenskem, skozi katerega bomo prišli do ureditve tega vprašanja v sedanjosti. Tako bomo predstavili organiziranost občine kot temeljne samoupravne lokalne skupnosti. Osrednje mesto v magistrskem delu bo namenjeno prikazu pristojnosti oziroma nalog, ki jih izvajajo samoupravne lokalne skupnosti ter prikazu razmerja z državno oblastjo ob tem. Ključno bo tudi poglavje o nadzoru nad delom lokalnih skupnosti, ki mora biti vzpostavljen, da ne bi prihajalo do prekoračitve pooblastil oziroma do zlorabe (lokalne) oblasti. V sklepnem delu bomo povzeli naše ugotovitve in s tem utemeljili področje raziskovanja oziroma obravnavane teme.
Keywords:samoupravljanje, lokalne skupnosti, lokalna samouprava, zakonodajna oblast, izvršilna oblast, sodna oblast, delitev oblasti, izvrševanje nadzora, Slovenija, Evropska unija, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[B. Kelenc]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:VI, 105 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1614 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024552801 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:22.08.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:The State in the broader sense can be understood as a social community, which is on a particular territory being forcibly governed by State authorities. However, the State in the strict sense can be understood as an organization of public authority in an individual society, thus, as a State authority, which has a monopoly over the means of physical coercion and over their implementation. The State power is being exercised through different authoritative functions. These are different authoritative activities, which are divided and are being executed by different State authorities. The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia states that in Slovenia, the people hold the power. Citizens exercise this power directly and through elections according to the principle of separation of powers to the legislative, executive and judicial power. In the initial part of the Masterʼs thesis we will discuss the basic concepts in order to simplify the process of placing the subject of local self-government into the system of power. Further on we will discuss the theoretical definition of local self-government and the normative regulation or legal ground for the establishment and work of selfgoverned local communities. This will be followed by a historical overview of local self-government in Slovenia, which will help us to regulate this issue in the present. This way we will present the organization of the municipality as the fundamental selfgoverned local community. The main part in the Masterʼs thesis will be devoted to the presentation of competences or duties, carried out by self-governed local communities, and the presentation of the relationship with the State power, concerning this issue. Crucial will also be the chapter on control over the work of local communities, which needs to be established in order to prevent overstepping of competences or abuse of the (local) power. In the final part we will summarize our findings and so substantiate the field of research or the discussed topic.
