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Title:Pravni okvir slovenskega babištva : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Maguša, Irena (Author)
ID Mavčič, Arne (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Magusa_Irena_i2016.pdf (2,05 MB)
MD5: 3C0BE7CC2A8F2416A977E3F33715FC82
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava problematiko na področju babištva v slovenskem prostoru. V slovenskem zdravstvenem sistemu je pomembno opredeliti vlogo diplomirane babice: pri obravnavi mladostnic in zdravih nosečnic, pri vodenju poroda pri nosečnicah z nizkim tveganjem, pri obravnavi mater v poporodnem obdobju in obravnavi žensk v času menopavze. Zahteve žensk in družin po kontinuirani, celostni in individualni obravnavi so vedno večje. Vzpostaviti je treba sistem, v katerem je ženska že pred nosečnostjo in v nosečnosti ter med porodom in po njem središče obravnave. Vsak posameznik, v našem primeru smo osredotočeni na žensko, ki načrtuje ali pričakuje otroka, mora imeti pravico do informiranega soglasja, zavestne privolitve, zavrnitve medicinske oskrbe, enake obravnave, zdravja, zasebnosti in življenja. Prav na področju reproduktivnega obdobja je treba nameniti večjo pozornost tako izvajalcem storitev kot tudi uporabnikom. Babice morajo prevzeti večjo odgovornost na področju obravnave žensk in njihovih družin v obdobju reprodukcije. V magistrski nalogi smo se dotaknili tudi problematike poroda doma, kjer smo skozi sodbe Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice prikazali mnenja pravnih strokovnjakov. Strokovna in zainteresirana javnost je že večkrat opozorila, da področje načrtovanega poroda doma v Sloveniji ni urejeno ne zakonsko ne strokovno. Diplomirane babice v Sloveniji ne pokrivajo vseh svojih področij poklicnega delovanja, ki so zapisana v sektorski direktivi in domači zakonodaji, in tako ženske oziroma družine niso obravnavane s strani diplomiranih babic. Trend razvoja babiške oskrbe v slovenskem prostoru mora slediti že uveljavljenim tujim modelom dobre, kontinuirane in avtonomne babiške skrbi. Interdisciplinarni pristop v babištvu mora temeljiti na kakovostni babiški obravnavi in dokazih, ki so podprti z raziskovalnimi izsledki in s primeri dobre prakse. Primere dobre prakse lahko zasledimo v nekaterih državah Evropske unije. Babice so pred izzivi zagotoviti ženskam in njihovim družinam najvišjo možno kontinuirano obravnavo pred nosečnostjo, v času nosečnosti, med porodom in po porodu. Babištvo ima temeljno nalogo, ki zasleduje cilj zdrava ženska - zdrava družina. Babištvo posega v zelo zgodnje obdobje mladostnic z zdravstvenovzgojnim delom o spolnosti in spolno prenosljivih boleznih, v obdobje ženske pred nosečnostjo, ki vključuje vzgojno-izobraževalno delo na področju načrtovanja družine, vključno s svetovanjem o kontracepciji, v obdobje nosečnice, pripravo na porod in obdobje po porodu, vključno z obravnavo novorojenčka, v obdobje menopavze ter na področje ginekologije in reprodukcije.
Keywords:babištvo, diplomirana babica, reproduktivno zdravje, nosečnost, porod, Slovenija, Evropska unija, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[I. Maguša]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:IX, 199 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1634 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024556129 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:The present thesis looks into midwifery practice in Slovenia. It is important for the Slovene healthcare system to appropriately define the role of graduate midwives in the treatment of young women, as well as healthy pregnant women, in the labour management of low-risk pregnant women, within the premises of postpartum care and during menopause. Women and their families are expressing increasing demands for a continuity of a comprehensive and individual care. This calls for the establishment of a system placing women in the very centre of care before and during pregnancy, as well as before and after the birth of their babies. Each individual, i.e. each woman and her family, planning or expecting a child is entitled to informed consent, conscious consent, refusal of medical treatment, as well as to equal treatment, health, privacy and life. Within the area of reproductive care, greater attention needs to be given to both service providers and their users. Midwives ought to take on greater responsibilities when it comes to the reproductive care of women and their families. The present thesis also touches upon issues surrounding home birth through the opinions expressed by legal experts listed in a recent judgement passed by the European Court of Human Rights. Expert, as well as interested public has, on a number of occasions, pointed out that, in Slovenia, the area of planned home births lacks the necessary legal and professional framework. In Slovenia, graduated midwives are not involved in all the professional areas listed in the European Directive 2005/36/EC and in the Slovene legislation, which is why women and their families are not treated by graduate midwives. The development of midwifery care in Slovenia should follow the established models of good, continuous and autonomous midwifery care elsewhere. The interdisciplinary approach in midwifery is to be based on quality midwifery care, evidence-based research and examples of good practice. These can be found in several EU countries. The challenge faced by midwives is to provide women and their families the best possible continuous care before and during pregnancy, as well as before and after giving birth. The fundamental goal of midwifery is that of a healthy woman and a healthy family. Furthermore, midwifery provides girls and young women with health education on sexuality and sexually-transmitted diseases. Before pregnancy, midwifery focuses on educating women about family planning, including advising on contraception. Moreover, midwifery supports women during pregnancy and childbirth preparation, as well as during the postpartum period when care is also extended to the newborn, and continues supporting women during their menopause. Finally, midwifery is actively involved in a number of areas related to gynaecology and reproduction.
