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Title:Načrtovanje rasti podjetja BKS-leasing, d. o. o.
Authors:ID Dežman, Vid (Author)
ID Gantar, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: E8E5816A3EA1FC72806EF1FC05F2E116
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:Hitro prilagajanje na spremembe v poslovnem okolju zahteva veliko dela in truda. V poslovnem načrtu rasti podjetja BKS-leasing, d. o. o. sem predstavil generično rast podjetja na primeru financiranja nepremičnin. Čeprav naj bi bil trg nepremičnin že zasičen, tako s stanovanjskimi in poslovnimi stavbami kot z industrijskimi objekti, sem dokazal, da lahko podjetje zraste v petih letih za več kot 100 % z relativno malo dodatnih stroškov in zgolj z rastjo financiranja nepremičnin. Podjetjem z dejavnostjo lizinga v kriznih časih večinoma ne kaže ravno najbolje in zaznavajo upad financiranj. Pri BKS-leasingu, d. o. o. je zgodba malce drugačna, saj jih finančna kriza ni prizadela v tolikšni meri kot večino lizing podjetij. Predvsem je to posledica dobre poslovne prakse v podjetju, ki financira zgolj stranke z boljšo boniteto. BKS-leasingu, d. o. o. tudi ne bi bilo treba namenjati veliko sredstev v oglaševanje, saj so na tem trgu že prisotni, radi pa bi svojo prisotnost okrepili, saj imajo dobro priložnost glede na razmere, v katerih so se znašli nekateri izmed večjih konkurentov. Pri načrtu prodaje oz. finančnih prihodkov od obresti naraste njihov obseg prodaje v petih letih za več kot 100 %, in sicer iz 4.717.185 EUR planiranih finančnih prihodkov v letu 2016 na 8.909.331 EUR v letu 2020. Sredstva v bilanci stanja se jim v roku petih let povečajo iz 88.244.935 EUR na 168.375.433 EUR, kar je 90-odstotna rast obsega poslovanja. Poslovni izid v letu 2016 naj bi zaključili pozitivno s čistim dobičkom v višini 1.388.777 EUR. V letu 2020 naj bi čisti dobiček že znašal 3.844.350 EUR, kar je skoraj 180-odstotno povečanje čistega dobička v petih letih.
Keywords:financiranje nepremičnin, lizing, finančna kriza, rast podjetja, strategija rasti.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Dežman]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1759 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513588098 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:03.09.2017
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Abstract:Fast adjustment to the changes in business world demands lots of hard work and effort. In business plan about growth of a company BKS-leasing, l. l. c., I have focused on company's generic growth, based on real estate financing. Although real estate market is already saturated with residential, business and industrial buildings, I have proved that company can grow for more than 100 per cent in five years, just with real estate financing and no bigger extra costs. Leasing companies rarely have bright future in time of crisis; actually they can recognize the decline in funding. But BKS-leasing, l. l. c. has a different story to tell, because financial crisis did not affect them as much as other leasing companies. All that is a consequence of a good business practice in a company, which means financing strictly clients with better credit rating. BKS-leasing, l. l. c. also doesn’t need to invest much money in advertising, because it is already present on the market. Still, they want strengthened its position and because of current conditions of other competitors, they have good chances for that. Plan of financial revenue from growth of interest shows that sales figures rise for more than 100 per cent in five years, exactly from planned financial revenue 4.717.185 EUR in 2016 to 8.909.331 EUR in 2020. Balance sheet funds in five years increase from 88.244.935 EUR to 168.375.433 EUR, which is 90 per cent growth of business volume. Business outcome in 2016 should be positive with pure profit of 1.388.777 EUR. In 2020 pure profit could amount to 3.844.350 EUR, which is almost 180 per cent of pure profit increasing in five years.
Keywords:real estate financing, leasing, financial crisis, growth companies, growth strategy
