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Title:Pravni vidiki fleksibilnosti zaposlovanja in pogodba o zaposlitvi : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Hladin, Marija (Author)
ID Vodovnik, Zvone (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DR_Hladin_Marija_i2015.pdf (1,30 MB)
MD5: 98E863216369A6A6789C0DB3536D3683
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Prožna varnost ne pomeni zgolj pojava fleksibilnih oblik zaposlovanja, temveč tudi strategijo vseživljenjskega učenja, učinkovito aktivno politiko zaposlovanja ter zagotavljanje modernega sistema socialne varnosti. Zaradi tega koncept prožne varnosti, ki ga razvija Evropska unija, temelji na ideji, da prožnost in varnost nista nujno v nasprotju; delujeta lahko vzajemno, čeprav se varnost pogosto šteje za oviro konkurenčnosti gospodarstva, prožnost pa ima prizvok negativnega vpliva na socialno varnost delavcev. Pri obravnavanju koncepta pravne ureditve pogodbe o zaposlitvi se zato izpostavlja vprašanje, kako hkratno zagotavljati prožnost in varnost, pri tem pa upoštevati vse specifičnosti nacionalnih ureditev, ki so se razvile skozi zgodovino in so odraz vsakokratnih družbenih in gospodarskih odnosov v posamezni državi. Na podlagi proučevanja družbenih in pravnih razmerij med nosilci dela in kapitala ter analiziranja razvoja pozitivne ureditve ter sodne prakse, povezane z elementi prožne varnosti, avtorica predlaga model enotne pogodbe o zaposlitvi in oblikovanje odpravninskega sklada, ki bi v Republiki Sloveniji glede na politični, družbeni in gospodarski položaj omogočala primerno prožnost in varnost. Delo obravnava zgodovinski pregled pomena dela za človeka in družbo, predstavlja razvoj družbenih in pravnih razmerij med nosilci dela in kapitala ter razmerje med zaposlovanjem, pravom in pogodbo o zaposlitvi. Osrednji del naloge je namenjen posameznim elementom prožne varnosti, in sicer fleksibilnim oblikam zaposlovanja (elementom, ki odražajo fleksibilnost), vseživljenjskemu učenju, aktivni politiki zaposlovanja in sistemu socialne varnosti pri pojavu brezposelnosti. Na podlagi proučevanja vsega navedenega avtorica v doktorski nalogi ugotavlja, da je pojavnost novih oblik pogodb o zaposlitvi v svetu in v Republiki Sloveniji posledica pojava globalizacije in gospodarske krize. Vse navedeno in predvidene spremembe predpisov s področja zaposlovanja in delovnih razmerij, zlasti pa pravne ureditve malega dela in enotne pogodbe o zaposlitvi, kažejo na to, da se postopoma širi področje prožnosti zaposlovanja, kar povzroča zmanjšanje varstva zaposlitve delavcev. Država se mora z ustreznimi ukrepi odzvati na posledice globalizacije, gospodarske krize in večje fleksibilnosti zaposlovanja tudi z oblikovanjem odpravninskega sklada ter s sprejetjem ustreznih ukrepov oziroma socialne politike, ki bo v času brezposelnosti preprečila revščino posameznikov.
Keywords:zaposlitev, prožna varnost, delovne pogodbe, enotne pogodbe, pogodbe za nedoločen čas, odpravninski sklad, flexicurty, disertacije
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:VIII, 283 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1936 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:283070976 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:Flexicurity does not only mean the occurrence of flexible forms of employment but also a life-long learning strategy, an effective active employment policy and the provision of a modern social security system. Because of that, the concept of flexicurity, which the European Union is developing, is based on the idea that flexibility and security are not necessarily at odds. They can interwork despite the frequent understanding of security as an obstacle to the economic competitiveness while flexibility has a negative overtone in relation with the social security of employees. Dealing with the concept of legal regulation of the employment contract, therefore raises the question of how to simultaneously provide flexibility and security, taking into account all the specificities of individual national legislation that has evolved through the history and reflects the respective of social and economic relations in each country. Based on the study of social and legal relations between the institutions of labor and capital and on the analysis of the development, positive legislation and case law in relation to specific elements of flexicurity, the author proposes a model of a single contract of employment and the creation of the severance pay fund, which would, in relation to the political, social and economic situation of the Republic of Slovenia, allow the appropriate flexibility and security. This doctoral dissertation includes a historical overview of the importance of the work for a man and society, presents the development of social and legal relations between the institutions of labor and capital and the relationship between employment, law and employment contract. The central part of the dissertation is dedicated to individual elements of flexicurity, to the flexible forms of employment (as well as to the elements that reflect flexibility), lifelong learning, active labor market policies, and to the system of social security when unemployment occurs. On the basis of all of the above the author concludes, that the occurrence of new forms of employment contracts around the world and in the Republic of Slovenia is the consequence of the occurrence of globalization and the economic crisis. Everything stated and the foreseen changes of the regulations on the area of employment and employment relationships, particularly the legislative regulation of mini jobs and the single employment contract, point at the fact that the field of employment flexibility is gradually expanding, all of which is causing a decrease in employment security for employees. The state must take appropriate measures to respond to the consequences of globalization, economic crisis, and greater flexibility of employment, also by developing the severance pay fund and by adopting appropriate measures or social policies, which will prevent poverty of the individuals in the time of unemployment.
