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Title:Pravni položaj istospolno usmerjenih oseb v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Istenič, Miha (Author)
ID Dežman, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Istenic_Miha_i2016.pdf (485,49 KB)
MD5: C47420B659734B09E6F73AB814312147
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Področje odprave sistemske in strukturne diskriminacije LGBT-oseb, istospolnih parov in družin se v Sloveniji ureja že 26 let. Veljavna zakonodaja pravno ureja tri oblike življenjske skupnosti, in sicer zakonsko zvezo, zunajzakonsko skupnost in registrirano istospolno partnersko skupnost. Pravice istospolno usmerjenih oseb se navezujejo predvsem na osebni status, ki ima vpliv oziroma posledice tudi na druga pravna področja. Slovenska zakonodaja izključuje iz pravnega varstva dlje časa trajajočo življenjsko skupnost istospolno usmerjenih oseb, ki ni registrirana po ZRIPS. Veljavna zakonodaja daje istospolno usmerjenim osebam numersu clausus pravic, ki so taksativno naštete. Novela ZZZDR-D je istospolno pare v vsem izenačila z raznospolnimi pari. Zaradi odločitve Ustavnega sodišča, da se o noveli lahko odloča na referendumu, je bila le-ta na njem zavrnjena. Letos spomladi je bil sprejet ZPZ, ki bolj celovito ureja položaj istospolno usmerjenih oseb v Sloveniji. ZPZ se približuje izenačitvi istospolno usmerjenih oseb s pravicami, kot jih imajo heterospolno usmerjene osebe. Ker pa je treba določene pravice, ki bistveno posegajo v življenje LGBT-oseb, nujno izenačiti, je ZPZ tisti še sprejemljivi minimum.
Keywords:človekove pravice, istospolno usmerjene osebe, sistemska diskriminacija, enakopravnost, partnerska zveza, Slovenija, diplomske naloge, bolonjski program
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Istenič]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:V, 62 f.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-2230 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024716913 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:08.11.2017
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Abstract:In Slovenia the regulation process ofeliminating systemic and structural discrimination of LGBTs, same-sex couples and same-sex parent families has been running for 26 years. Applicable law regulates three forms of partnerships, i.e. marriage, cohabitation and registered same-sex civil partnership. The rights of the homosexual persons primarily relate to one's personal situation, affecting other areas of law as well. Slovenian legislation excludes the long-term union of homosexual persons from the legal protection, if such a union is not regulated according to the Registration of the Same-Sex Civil Partnership Act (ZRIPS). For the homosexual persons the applicable law provides numerus clausus rights, which are itemized. All same-sex couples have been made equal to opposite-sex couples by the Act Amending the Marriage and Family Relations Act (ZZZDR-D). Due to the decision of the Constitutional Court stating that the amending act can be decided by a referendum, the amending act has been rejected. The legislative procedure contains the proposed new law, which would manage the situation of homosexual persons in Slovenia more comprehensively. The proposal of ZPZ (Partnership Act) is successfully striving to equalize the rights of homosexual persons to the rights of heterosexuals. However, as certain rights which intrude upon the lives of LGBTs must necessarily be equalized, the ZPZ represents theminimum, still considered acceptable.
