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Title:Posilstvo - dileme v kazenskopravni praksi : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Korošec, Maša (Author)
ID Šepec, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Korosec_Masa_i2017.pdf (858,38 KB)
MD5: B1C6C9C0E63E95A2D5D8882E56B2D21B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Diplomsko delo govori o tematiki posilstva, obravnavani iz vidika kazenskega prava. Delno se obravnavana tematika seveda prepleta s kriminalistično stroko in psihologijo, vendar je rdeča nit naloge usmerjena v kazenskopravno relevantna dejstva.Ukvarjam se z vprašanji definicije posilstva, razvojem pojma ter inkriminacije posilstva v zgodovini ter seveda s trenutnimi ureditvami kaznivega dejanja posilstva ter ostalimi spolnimi delikti, ki so zajeti v členih 171-176. trenutno veljavnega Kazenskega zakonika v Republiki Sloveniji.V samem kazenskem postopku je treba spoštovati načela, ki sodnike vodijo ter usmerjajo pri razreševanju dilem. V diplomski nalogi so obravnavana tista načela, ki so za izbrano tematiko pomembnejša. Obravnavane v posebnem podpoglavju so tudi kazni, ki so za kazniva dejanja spolnih deliktov predpisane v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na primerih iz sodne prakse, kjer je razvidno, kako se v resničnem svetu izkoriščajo možnosti kaznovanja storilcev tovrstnih kaznivih dejanj. Priče, žrtve imajo v kazenskem postopku posebno mesto, saj so za dosego obsodbe velikokrat najpomembnejši dejavnik. Novela ZKP-N uvaja pomembne spremembe, predvsem v predkazenskem postopku, ki opisujejo dokazne vrednosti pričanja prič. Kot tesno povezan dokaz s pričanjem žrtev se uporablja v kazenskem postopku tudi dokazovanje DNK. To lahko z znanstveno gotovostjo umesti storilca na mesto zločina ter prikaže potek dogodka, sploh v nesrečnih primerih, ko je žrtev mrtva in pričanje ni mogoče, kot se je to pripetilo pri prvem primeru obsodbe s pomočjo DNK-dokazovanja. Odvzem svobode odločanja pri odločitvi o spolnem dejanju predstavlja poseg v pravice, varovane s številnimi mednarodnimi dokumenti, nacionalnimi zakoni ter Ustavo RS. Je nedopustno, treba pa je kaznivo dejanje razumeti s strani žrtve, da bi lahko prenehali s stigmatizacijo ter z nadaljnjo sekundarno viktimizacijo, ki jo žrtev, ki dejanje prijavi, že tako doživlja ob prijavi sami. S tem bi morda v prihodnosti poskrbeli za to, da bi se tovrstna kazniva dejanja vsaj večinsko prijavljala.
Keywords:posilstvo, spolno nasilje, kazenski postopek, dokazovanje DNK, pričanje žrtev, sekundarna viktimizacija
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Korošec]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:VI, 48 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-3786 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053129910 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:12.07.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis focuses on the theme of rape and violent sexual assaults as seenform a criminal law point of view. In part the subject of rape and violent sexual assault is interwined with the criminal and psychological approach, but focus on the subject will throughout the thesis remain looked on troughthe lens of criminal law.The questions I am searching the answer to are,amongst others, what rape in legal terms means, how it has developed as a crime from historic days up until now and how the whole process od incrimination of the act came to be dealt with. However,focus is notsolely pointed at rape but olso atother criminal acts that are included in the 19thchapter of Slovenian Criminal Law (KZ-1). Main principles of the criminal law are what gives the subjectsof the criminal law procedure, especially judges, guidance andsets the direction of how to apply law intoreallife situations.The penalties and sentences for sexuall assault and rape in Slovenia range from six months to fifteen years. Trough studying real cases, in the fourth chapter, a subjective judgment is applied on the sentances and their fairness. As we are on the doorstep of our 14th change of the Criminal Law and as victim's testimony is an important part of the criminal procedure, I focus on the changes that will have an affect on it. We also can not dismiss the importance of DNK traces as an evidence. Sir Alec Jeffreys gave us the opportunity to use DNK fingerprinting in order to connect the criminal with the crime scene, to get a picture of whatand how it was happening, which is of the utmost importance especially in the unfortunate cases where the victim did not survive and we can not realy on her testimony to give us direction and clues.The right to decide for ourselves about our own sex life is one of our fundamental rights. It is important that in the cases of a sexual assault we try to understand what the victim had to survive and what affect it had on her in order to stop with the stigmatization and secundary victimization.
