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Title:Dileme sodobnega vojnega prava : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Leban, Rudolf (Author)
ID Petrič, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Leban_Rudolf_i2017.pdf (605,21 KB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:"Silent enim leges inter arma" (Pro Milone, Cicero). "Zakoni med vojno molčijo",so besede Marka Tulija Cicera, ki je tako povzel dejstva oboroženih spopadov v antičnem Rimu. Vendar se je človeštvo skozi hude tragedije in kršitve pravic razvijalo in z njim tudi razvoj pravil oboroženih spopadov in kasneje tudi pojav kogentnih oziroma prisilnih norm, ki državam postavljajo jasna pravila,kdaj in na kakšne načine je oborožen spopad zakonit. Seveda pa je kakršnakoli prisila mogoča zgolj v prisotnosti institucij, ki imajo moč, da suverene subjekte silijo v delovanje v skladu s pravili in zakoni. Skozi zgodovinske izkušnje hudih vojn, zlasti prve in druge svetovne vojne, so države iskale način, kako bi vojne lahko preprečevali in so našle rešitev v povezovanju mednarodne skupnosti v mednarodnih organizacijah, ki skrbijo za spoštovanje mednarodnega prava. Zlasti so pomembni organi mednarodne skupnosti, še posebej Organizacija združenih narodov (OZN) ter vsi organi, ki delujejo v sklopu OZN, ki so v diplomskem delu tudi posebej omenjeni. Pomembno vlogo imajo Mednarodna sodišča za vojne zločine, tako stalna kot ad hoc sodišča. Zgolj obstoj norm in organizacij pa ne pove veliko o dejanskem spoštovanju kogentnih norm na vojnih žariščih, zato je potrebno pogledati tako zgodovinske kot tudi aktualne svetovne konflikte in na primerih presoditi, kako v praksi zgleda spoštovanje prisilnih norm in kakšne posledice ima njihovo nespoštovanje. Najbolj drastična poteza, ki jo lahko Varnostni svet Združenih narodov odobri, je humanitarna intervencija, ki pomeni uporabo vojaške sile zoper državo, ki krši človekove pravice, ne glede na to, da je ta suveren subjekt mednarodnega prava.
Keywords:vojno pravo, mednarodno humanitarno pravo, humanitarna intervencija, pravila oboroženih spopadov, mednarodna kazenska sodišča
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Leban]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:VIII, 44 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-3803 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053132982 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:12.07.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:"Silent enim leges inter arma" (Pro Milone, Cicero). Laws are silent in war, are the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero, who thusly summarised the facts of armed conflict in ancient Rome. However humanity has evolved through terrible tragedies and injustice and with it the rules of armed conflict and later on peremptory norms, which define clear rules to countries as to when and in what way armed conflict is permissible. Of course there is no way to force the countries to adhere to the rules and regulations without the existance of institutions that have the power to force sovereign subjects into conformity. Through historical experience of terrible wars, especiallythe first world war and second world war, countries were searching for ways to prevent wars and found the solution in the unification of the international community in international organisations, which oversee the adherance to international law. There is a vital importance in organisations of the international community, especially the United Nations (UN), all its organs operating within the UN, which are provided in detail in this thesis. International criminal courts, permanent and ad hoc.The mere exsistance of norms and organisations does not tell us much about the actual adherance to peremptory norms on war ridden areas, therefore it is necessary to compare historic aswell as current world conflicts and judge on a case by case basisthe practice of adherence to peremptory norms and the consequences of violations.The most drastic measure that the UN security council can approve is a humanitarian intervention, which means the use of military force against a state that is violating human rights, regardless of its sovereign status as a subject of international law.
