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Title:Med poslanstvom in trženjem zasebnih neprofitnih kulturnih organizacij : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Škerl, Branka (Author)
ID Puharič, Krešimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Skerl_Branka_i2016.pdf (1,59 MB)
MD5: CD4BC103DFBEB9F0729692D8672B5B17
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Razlog za začetek delovanja zasebne neprofitne organizacije je običajno poslanstvo. Posamezniki se odločajo za registracijo zasebne neprofitne organizacije pogosto zaradi boljšega zadovoljevanja določenih potreb, podjetniških nagibov in davčnih olajšav, temeljni vzgibi zasebnih neprofitnih dejavnosti po ekonomski teoriji pa so povsem neekonomske narave.Ker je v 21. stoletju prišlo do situacije, ko kapital ne igra več glavne vloge v družbeno-političnih odnosih ljudi, je to lahko tudi čas, daje kulturi prednost pred drugimi področji. Kultura ima možnost krepitve in širitve, kajti razvijanje idejne parole "vrednote in poslanstvo pred kapitalom" ponuja možnost rušenja paradoksa,da je kultura nekoristen "zajedalec davkoplačevalskih sredstev". Da se lahko kulturna dobrina, ki je bolj ali manj tudi javnega značaja,razvije v umetniško platformo, je potrebno, da gre tako posameznik kot organizacija skozi proces ustvarjalnosti. Zasebna neprofitna kulturna organizacija zmore ta proces uspešno izpeljati le, če skrbno prouči poslanstvo in trženje že ob ustanovitvi, paziti pa mora, da tržni vidik ne prevlada nad izpolnjevanjem poslanstva. Zasebne neprofitne kulturne organizacije se s svojim poslanstvom vključujejo na kvazi javni kulturni trg, ki ima zaradi specifičnih lastnosti kulturnih dobrin tudi pomanjkljivosti. Ustanovitev zasebnega zavoda s področja kulture je ustvarjalna odgovornost za kulturo posameznika in s tem tudi naroda.
Keywords:zasebne neprofitne organizacije, kultura, trženje
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[B. Škerl]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:VII, 95 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4114 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053158070 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:24.07.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:The reason behind starting a private non-profit organization is usually a charitable mission. Individuals who decide for the registration of a private non-profit organization often do it to fulfill specific needs, corporate motives and tax relief. According to economic theory, fundamental motives of private non-profit activities are completely of a non-economic nature. The 21st century has brought about a situation where capital no longer plays the leading role in the sociopolitical people%s relations. Thiscan also be the time for culture taking precedence over other areas. Now it is possible for culture to strengthen and expand. The development of conceptual parole of "values and mission over capital" gives us the opportunity to demolish the paradox that culture is a useless "leech of taxpayer funds". In order for cultural property, which is more or less of a public character, to develop into an artistic platform, it is necessary for an individual as well as an organization to undergo the process of creativity. It is possible for a private non-profit cultural organization to carry out this process successfully, provided that its mission and marketing are carefully examined at the time of establishment. At the same time, care must be taken that market aspects do not predominate over the fulfillment of the mission itself. Private non-profit cultural organizations with their mission integrate into quasi-public cultural market which has some disadvantages due to the specific characteristics of cultural goods. The establishment of a private cultural institution is a creative responsibility for the culture of the individual and the nation itself.
