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Title:Postopki pri posegih v prostor in vplivi na okolje pri pripravi in realizaciji izvedbenega prostorskega načrta : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Mestek, Slavko (Author)
ID Dimitrovska Andrews, Kaliopa (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Mestek_Slavko_i2010.pdf (2,21 MB)
MD5: 424D9724F6F3A374F5BB90F065F615AD
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Keywords:prostor, projekt, občinski prostorski načrti, zemljišča, občine, vplivi na okolje, magisteriji, zakonodaja, ekologija, vlagateljiizvajalci
Place of publishing:[S. l.
Place of performance:[S. l.
Publisher:S. Mestek]
Year of publishing:2010
Year of performance:2010
Number of pages:90 f.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4333 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2356931 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:27.07.2018
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Keywords:physical space, projects, municipality spatial plans, investors, real estate, master's thesis, legislation, environmental impacts
