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Title:Posebnosti prekrškovnega postopka pri skritih meritvah hitrosti : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Plečnik, Jure (Author)
ID Tratar, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Plecnik_Jure_i2018.pdf (1,18 MB)
MD5: FA409E06484A3D3D7DDFA85409BA7EA2
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Hitrost je v Sloveniji že mnogo let še vedno najpogostejši vzrok za nastanek prometnih nesreč z najhujšimi posledicami. Z uveljavitvijo Zakona o občinskem redarstvu v letu 2006 lahko govorimo o novem represivnem organu, katerega pristojnost zajema tudi izvajanje meritev hitrosti. Zakonodajalec pa je pri pisanju zakona poskrbel tudi za manjše presenečenje, ki še danes bega tako prekrškovne organe kot tudi strokovno javnost, saj je v določbe Zakona o pravilih cestnega prometa zapisal, da lahko občinski redarji meritve hitrosti izvajajo izključno s samodejnimi napravami in sredstvi za nadzor prometa, s katerimi se prekrški slikovno dokumentirajo, pri tem pa nimajo pravice ustaviti voznika.To dejstvo se je skozi prakso prekrškovnih organov večkrat pokazalo kot neustrezno, saj so postopki obravnave prekrškov pri takšnem izvajanju meritev hitrosti zelo specifični in se bistveno razlikujejo od običajnih postopkov izvajanja meritev hitrosti, ki jih v praksi največkrat izvaja policija, kjer je kršitelj ustavljen na samem kraju storitve prekrška in je s kršitvijo in sankcijami za prekršek seznanjen takoj. Zaradi dejstva, da pri takšnem izvajanju meritev hitrosti kršitelji niso takoj seznanjeni s storjenim prekrškom, so takšne meritve hitrosti med prekrškovnimi organi dobile vzdevek "skrite meritve hitrosti".Neučinkovitost pri umirjanju hitrosti je v Sloveniji očitna, saj hitrost kot glavni vzrok za prometne nesreče z najhujšimi posledicami še vedno predstavlja največji problem pri zagotavljanju varnosti v cestnem prometu. Magistrsko delo obravnava posebnosti prekrškovnega postopka pri skritih meritvah hitrosti ter pravno ureditev z vidika dveh prekrškovnih organov, policije in občinskega redarstva. Problematika je predstavljena predvsem s stališča prometne varnosti, kjer ugotavljamo tudi,kakšna je sama učinkovitost izvajanja skritih meritev hitrosti v praksi. Na podlagi teh ugotovitev je možno oblikovati ustrezne pravne norme in pripraviti oceno o možnosti spremembe zakonodaje, ki bi učinkovito pripomogla k izboljšanju prometne varnosti v cestnem prometu in zmanjšanju števila smrtnih žrtev prometnih nesreč.
Keywords:hitrost, prekrškovni organi, meritve hitrosti, občinska redarstva, policija
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[J. Plečnik]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VII, 85 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4564 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053179574 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:06.08.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:Speeding has been the most frequent cause of the most serious road accidents in Slovenia for several years. The enactment of the Act on Local Police in 2006 has introduced a type of a repression authority that is, among others, allowed to measure speed. However, the new act is somewhat ambiguous and creates minor difficulties to the misdemeanour bodies and professional public as the provisions of the Road Traffic Rules Act stipulate that municipal officers may measure speed only with automated devices and means of traffic control that record the offences, but are not allowed to stop the driver. This has often proved to be inadequate, because the offence procedures resulting from speed measurements are very specific and significantly different from regular speed measurement procedures, which are usually carried out by the police, where the offender is stopped at the scene of an offence and immediately acquainted with the offence and the sanction. Because offenders in the aforementioned cases are not instantly charged with the offence, such speed measurements have become known as the "hidden speed measurements" among the employees of the misdemeanour bodies. It is clear that traffic-calming measures in Slovenia are inefficient because speed remains the primary cause of the most serious accidents and still presents the major problem in ensuring road safety. The master's thesis therefore discusses special characteristics of the hidden speed measurement offence procedure and the regulation concerning two misdemeanour bodies, i.e. the police and the local police. The issue is discussed from the viewpoint of road safety and the effectiveness of hidden speed measurements in practice is examined as well. These findings can serve as a basis for drawing up the relevant laws and preparing an assessment regarding the possibility to amend the legislation, as this would contribute effectively to improving road safety and reducing the number of fatalities from road traffic accidents.
