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Title:Uporaba Google Apps v manjšem gradbenem in računovodskem podjetju : študija primera
Authors:ID Zoran, Natalija (Author)
ID Rodič, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Damij, Nadja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_2013_Natalija_Zoran.pdf (1,96 MB)
MD5: D99488000842226A4D723D00DB2DF201
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto
Abstract:Računalništvo v oblaku (angl. Cloud Computing) je nova računalniška storitveno orientirana paradigma, pri kateri uporabniki dostopajo do zahtevnejših računalniških virov. Google ponuja paket omenjenih spletnih storitev pod imenom Google Apps (GApps), ki omogoča lažje in varnejše delo v skupinah z različnimi spletnimi produkti. V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili koncept računalništva v oblaku, njegove značilnosti ter prednosti in slabosti. Osredotočili smo se na paket storitev Google Apps, ki predstavlja celovito rešitev za poslovanje podjetja. Možnosti vpeljave Google Apps smo analizirali na primeru manjšega gradbenega in računovodskega podjetja.
Keywords:računalništvo, računalništvo v oblaku, spletne storitve, Google Apps, komunikacijska tehnologija, informacijski sistemi
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[N. Zoran]
Year of publishing:2013
Year of performance:2013
Number of pages:47 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4697 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048182035 New window
Note:Na ov.: Diplomska naloga : univerzitetnega študijskega programa prve stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:10.08.2018
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Licensing start date:10.08.2018

Secondary language

Abstract:Cloud computing is a new service-oriented computing paradigm, in which users have access to advanced computing resources, or resources for storing large amounts of data in the form of on-demand services that are available as virtualized and dynamically scalable computing resources available on the Internet. Google offers a package of these web services known as Google Apps (GApps), which enables easier and safer work in groups with different web products. In thesis, we introduced the concept of cloud computing, its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. We focused on the Google Apps package, which presents a complete solution for the business. We analyzed the possibility of introducing Google Apps in the case of a minor construction and accounting company.
Keywords:cloud computing, web services, Google Apps, communication technology, information systems
