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Title:Vpliv komasacije na razvoj podeželja : primer Ribnice
Authors:ID Jaklič, Blaž (Author)
ID Lipej, Božena (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Jaklic_Blaz_i2017.pdf (1,78 MB)
MD5: A45C6C176AE5641CC453D58435121BF9
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je predstavljen vpliv komasacije na razvoj podeželja, na primeru občine Ribnica. Komasacija je beseda, ki izhaja iz latinske besede "commassare", kar pomeni nekaj zbirati v maso. Zemljišča na določenem območju se lahko združijo in ponovno razdelijo med prejšnje lastnike tako, da vsak lastnik dobi čim bolj zaokroženo zemljišče. Predmet komasacije so kmetijska zemljišča, kot tudi gozdovi, nepozidana stavbna in druga zemljišča na komasacijskem območju in tudi naprave na teh zemljiščih. Komasacijo po namenu delimo na: komasacijo kmetijskih zemljišč, komasacijo stavbnih zemljišč in komasacijo za določanje gradbenih parcel obstoječim objektom. Po obliki izvedbe pa jo delimo na pogodbeno in upravno komasacijo. Pogodbena komasacija je tista, k se izvedbe na podlagi pogodbe vseh lastnikov, upravna pa tista, ki se izvede na podlagi izdane odločbe v upravnem postopku in se z njo strinja najmanj 67 % lastnikov zemljišč oz. udeležencev. Poleg zaokrožitve posesti je naloga komasacij kmetijskih zemljišč tudi vzpostavitev nove mreže poti, ki predstavljajo optimalen dostop od kmečkih gospodarstev do obdelovalnih parcel, in ureditev vodnega režima. Izvedba komasacijskega postopka hkrati pomeni tudi pomemben prispevek k obnovi zemljiškega katastra. Ker je Slovenija od 1. 5. 2004 članica Evropske unije (v nadaljevanju EU), se mora držati določil zakonodaje in smernic EU. To velja tudi za področje urejanja kmetijskih zemljišč, kamor sodi tudi komasacija. Tudi v Republiki Sloveniji se je, tako kot v Evropi, izvedlo več komasacijskih postopkov, med drugim tudi na območju Občine Ribnica, kjer je veliko kmetijskih površin, na katerih so gozdovi, njive in travniki. Občina Ribnica je po letu 2000 začela s postopki komasacije zemljišč. V letu 2001 so se oblikovala tri komasacijska območja, in sicer Dolenja vas, Prigorica in Nemška vas, nato pa sta sledili še komasacijski območji Sajevec in Bukovica. Za vsa komasacijska območja je bila investitor Občina Ribnica. Vsi komasacijski postopki so bili do leta 2013 uspešno zaključeni. Na podlagi izvedene lastne raziskave za komasacijski območji Sajevec in Bukovica je bilo ugotovljeno, da sta bili komasaciji na teh območjih uspešni, saj se je pri tem velikost parcele znotraj komasacijskega območja povečala za 43 %, s tem pa se je število parcel na tem območju zmanjšalo za povprečno 46 %. Opažena je bila rahla rast bruto dodane vrednosti (v nadaljevanju BDV) na teh območjih, ki odraža prihodke na kmetiji z odštetimi vsemi spremenljivimi stroški. Povprečna rast BDV-ja za leti 2015 in 2016 je bila 8 %. Interesa za nakup oz. investiranje v zemljišča na teh območjih praktično ni bilo, saj območji ležita na zaščitenem območju Nature 2000. Raziskava je tudi pokazala, da na teh območjih prav tako ni mladih družin, ki bi se lahko preživljale samo s prihodki iz kmetijske dejavnosti. Iz raziskave tudi izhaja, da je starostna struktura lastnikov kmetij višja od 40 let, največ lastnikov kmetij je celo starejših od 60 let. Večina od njih ima naslednika za delo na kmetiji. Po vzoru nemških dežel bi bilo smiselno v Slovenji oblikovati komasacijske urade, ki bi imeli nalogo s pomočjo komasacije oblikovati celovito prenovo podeželja, saj bi se s tem več mladih družin, ki zdaj bivajo v mestih, odločilo za bivanje na podeželju.
Keywords:komasacija, podeželje, investiranje, evropska sredstva, razvojni projekti, Slovenija, magistrske naloge, bolonjski program
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Jaklič]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:X, 99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4798 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053161654 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; magistrski študijski program Pravo in management nepremičnin II. stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:16.08.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master's thesis examines the impact of land consolidation on rural development, focusing on the example of the Municipality of Ribnica. Commassation is a word derived from the Latin word commassare, which means "something to be added to the mass". Land in a specific area can be stacked and redistributed among the previous owners so that each can obtain a land plot that is as unified (rounded) as possible. The object of land consolidation can be agricultural land, as well as forests, unexploited building areas or other land in the consolidation area, and installations on such land. Depending on its purpose, there are several types of land consolidation: consolidation of agricultural land, consolidation of building land and consolidation for determining construction plots for existing buildings. There are also several types of consolidation according to the method of execution, i.e. contractual land consolidation and administrative land consolidation. Contractual consolidation is implemented on the basis of a contract involving all owners, while administrative land consolidation is carried out on the basis of a decision issued in an administrative procedure and has to be approved by at least 67% of the land owners. In addition to the rounding off of the estate, the purpose of agricultural land consolidation is also to establish a new network of routes, i.e. optimal access from farm holdings to cultivation plots and water regime arrangements. The implementation of the land consolidation process contributes significantly to the reconstruction of the land cadastre. As a European Union (hereafter: EU) Member State since 1 May 2004, Slovenia must comply with the EU legislation provisions and guidelines. This also applies to agricultural land management, which includes land consolidation. Similarly to Europe, several land consolidation procedures have been carried out in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, including in the Ribnica Municipality, where there is a lot of agricultural land with forests, fields and meadows. In 2000, the Municipality of Ribnica initiated a challenging and lengthy land consolidation procedure. First, a consolidation committee for the consolidation area of Dolenja vas-Prigorica was formed. The committee held several preparatory meetings and demonstration meetings with field owners were organised. In 2001, three land consolidation areas were formed, namely Dolenja vas, Prigorica and Nemška vas, followed by the settlement areas of Sajevec and Bukovica. The Municipality of Ribnica acted as the investor for all the land consolidation areas. All land consolidation procedures were successfully completed by 2013. According to the research I conducted on the land consolidation areas of Sajevec and Bukovica, consolidation was successful there. The size of the plot within the land consolidation area increased by 43%, thereby reducing the number of plots in this area by an average of 46%. There was a slight increase in gross value added (hereinafter: GVA) in these areas, which reflects farm income with all variable costs deducted. The average GVA growth for 2015 and 2016 was 8%. However, there was virtually no interest in buying or investing in land in these areas because they belong under the protected area of Natura 2000. The research showed that there are no young families here who could survive solely on the income from the agricultural activity. With regard to the age structure, the research showed that the farm owners were over 40 years of age, with the majority of them being over 60 years old. Most of them have found a successor to work on the farm. According to the model of German lands, it would be wise to create land consolidation offices in Slovenia, tasked with forming a comprehensive rural renewal with the help of land consolidation. This could encourage more young families currently living in cities to decide to stay in the countryside.
