Abstract: | I decided to treat this diploma work in order to offer a small amount of help regarding the comparison of the cadastral situation with the factual situation in the field in the cadastral zone Trudë, Municipality of Prishtina. The results achieved will be presented by the analysis of existing cadastral documentation and the new situation created on the ground. However, it was not easy at all because access to property in the Republic of Kosovo before independence, ie before the liberation war because of the then political system was not at all at the right level. Such a finding could be made of the way the cadastre works in different European democratic states. To deepen the post-war property problem (1999), the Serbian regime drew a large part of the cadastral documentation, leaving the cadastre in no good condition. Lack of cadastral documentation, not updating the existing documentation in the Republic of Kosovo, ie the collected documentation that was produced and updated between 1957-1990 caused a chaotic situation in the cadastre. In our research combinations of methods will be used a mixed approach in order to achieve the main purpose of this study. That is to say, the data collected on the ground will be used which will be coordinated with the existing ones so that we can reflect the problem as well.Odločil sem se, da bom obravnaval to diplomsko delo, da bi ponudil majhno pomoč pri primerjavi katastrske situacije z dejanskim stanjem na terenu v katastrski coni Trudë, občina Priština. Rezultate bomo predstavili z analizo obstoječe katastrske dokumentacije in z novimi razmerami, nastalimi na terenu. Vendar sploh ni bilo enostavno, ker dostop do premoženja v Republiki Kosovo pred osamosvojitvijo, torej pred osvobodilno vojno zaradi takratnega političnega sistema, sploh ni bil na pravem nivoju. Takšna ugotovitev bi lahko bila, kako katastri delujejo v različnih evropskih demokratičnih državah. Za poglabljanje povojne problematike lastnine (1999) je srbski režim pripisal velik del katastrske dokumentacije, pri čemer kataster ni bil v dobrem stanju. Pomanjkanje katastrske dokumentacije, ki ne posodablja obstoječe dokumentacije v Republiki Kosovo, tj. Zbrano dokumentacijo, ki je bila izdelana in posodobljena med letoma 1957-1990, je povzročila kaotično stanje v katastru. V naši raziskavi bomo za doseganje glavnega namena te študije uporabili mešani pristop. To pomeni, da bodo uporabljeni podatki na terenu, ki bodo usklajeni z obstoječimi, da bomo lahko odražali tudi problem. |