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Title:Med starševsko (ne)skrbjo in otrokovo pravico do zasebnosti
Authors:Škabar, Anja (Author)
Krapež, Katarina (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Diplomsko delo obravnava problematiko poseganja v otrokovo pravico do zasebnosti na spletnih družbenih omrežjih. Delo smo utemeljili na primeru, ki se je zgodil v Avstriji, ko so starši objavili intimne fotografije svoje hčerke na spletnem socialnem omrežju Facebook, ta pa jim nadaljnjih posegov v zasebnost ni uspela preprečiti in je bila prisiljena uporabiti sodno varstvo. V diplomskem delu nas je zanimala pravna ureditev tega področja v Sloveniji, preučevali pa smo tudi, kakšno institucionalno podporo ima otrok na voljo v takih primerih. Diplomsko delo je zasnovano v dveh delih, teoretičnem in empiričnem. Izvedli smo kvalitativno raziskavo, in sicer intervjuje, v katerih je sodelovalo 6 predstavnikov vladnih in nevladnih organizacij. Sklepi dela kažejo na to, da je treba v Sloveniji zakonsko urediti otrokov dostop do sodišč in pravnih sredstev, zlasti v primerih, ko se pojavijo konflikti med otroki in njihovimi zakonitimi zastopniki. Udeleženci intervjujev so poudarili, da bi pogostejša uporaba instituta kolizijskega zastopnika otrokom znatno pomagala pri reševanju konfliktov s starši, ko reševanje na predhodnih stopnjah ne bi bilo uspešno. Sklepi kažejo tudi na to, da je v Sloveniji več ustanov, ki imajo dovolj strokovno podkovanega kadra in ki bi v takem primeru lahko priskočile otroku na pomoč, na centrih za socialno delo pa bi bila lahko obravnave deležna celotna družina, na primer v obliki družinske mediacije.
Keywords:pravica do zasebnosti, otroci, družbena omrežja, pravno varstvo, diplomske naloge, bolonjski program
Year of publishing:2017
Publisher:[A. Škabar]
COBISS_ID:2053187254 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; univerzitetni študijski program Pravo I;
Files:.pdf RAZ_Skabar_Anja_i2017.pdf (725,88 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Med starševsko neskrbjo in otrokovo pravico do zasebnosti
Abstract:The thesis work deals with the problem of interfering with the child's right to privacy on social networking sites. We based our work on a case that happened in Austria, where the parents published intimate photos of their daughter on the Facebook social network. She later failed to prevent further privacy interventions from her parents and was forced to use judicial protection. In the thesis we were interested in the legal regulation of this field in Slovenia and we also examined the institutional support available to the child in such cases. The thesis consists of two parts, the theoretical and empirical part. We carried out a qualitative research, namely interviews involving 6 representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations. The conclusions of the research show that it is necessary to regulate children's access to the courts and legal remedies in Slovenia, especially in cases where there are conflicts between children and their legal representatives. Participants of the interviews emphasized that in cases where the resolution at the previous stages was not successful, the more frequent use of the institute of a collision agent would significantly help children to resolve conflicts with their parents. The conclusions also show that there are several institutions in Slovenia that have a sufficiently well-trained staff, which could in a similar instance come to the aid of the child. Furthermore, it would be possible to treat the whole family within the Centers for Social Work, for example in the form of family mediation.
