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Title:Razširjenost poslovno-informacijskih rešitev in potrebe po povezovanju z dokumentacijskimi sistemi : diplomska naloga
Authors:ID Pezdirc, Robert (Author)
ID Dobrovoljc, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 3CFD78A9BD0F598E326AE193A9D39139
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto
Abstract:Poslovno-informacijske rešitve so v današnjem času pomemben in nujno potreben del v poslovanju in delovanju podjetij. V današnjem času je na trgu ogromno konkurence in s pravilno uvedbo poslovno-informacijskih rešitev si olajšamo delo v samem podjetju in pridobimo tisto nujno potrebno prednost pred konkurenco za uspeh. Zato smo v diplomski nalogi predstavili poslovno-informacijske rešitve, ki so že bolj kot ne uveljavljene v podjetjih in brez katerih si podjetja ne predstavljajo vsakodnevnega dela. V prvem delu naloge smo preverili, kakšno je današnje stanje na tem področju. Predvsem nas je zanimalo, katere tipe rešitev najpogosteje srečamo v podjetjih. V drugem delu diplomske naloge smo izvedli analizo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je bil poslan majhnim in srednje velikim slovenskim podjetjem. Ta so odgovarjala na vprašanja, katere poslovno-informacijske rešitve uporabljajo, s katero vrsto dokumentov imajo največ opravka, kako so zadovoljni s trenutnim stanjem v njihovem podjetju glede povezljivosti poslovno-informacijskih rešitev ter ali vidijo na svojem primeru možnost določenih izboljšav. Nazadnje smo naredili zaključke, do katerih smo prišli na podlagi analiziranih odgovorov.
Keywords:poslovno-informacijske rešitve, programske rešitve, ERP, CRM, BPM, BI, EDMS, razširjenost, podjetja, poslovni procesi, dokumentacijski sistemi
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[R. Pezdirc]
Year of publishing:2014
Year of performance:2014
Number of pages:71 str., [3] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4911 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048321811 New window
Note:Na ov.: Diplomska naloga : visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa prve stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:20.08.2018
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Licensing start date:20.08.2018

Secondary language

Abstract:Business solutions are nowadays important and necessary part of doing business. The competition on the market today is enormous, so with the right kind of business software, we can ease our workload and gain that necessary advantage to succeed. This is why, in my thesis, I’ve decided to present business solutions which have more or less already established their reputation in the business world and the companies cannot imagine to survive without them. First part is describing the current status of the solutions, and mostly I wondered which are the most commonly used business solutions. The second part of the thesis is an analysis of the survey that was sent to small and middle sized Slovenian companies, that were answering which business solutions are they using, what kind of data gives them most work and how are they satisfied with connections of their current solutions. They also gave insight on if they see any possible improvements of their solutions in the future. Lastly, the analysis of their answers led me to conclusions.
Keywords:business software, business solutions, business software solutions, ERP, Enterprise resource planning, CRM, Customer relationship management, BPM, Business Process Management, BI, Business Intelligence, EDMS, Electronic Document Management System, expansion
