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Title:Prenova informacijskega sistema in prenova poslovnih procesov v izbrani očesni ordinaciji : magistrska naloga
Authors:ID Kramar, Andrej (Author)
ID Damij, Nadja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kramar_Andrej_i2016.pdf (2,30 MB)
MD5: B42FE37055C6A6CEB826EECA66C5D8F7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto
Abstract:Za zdravega človeka je oko najpomembnejše čutilo, s katerim zaznava okolico in dogajanje okoli sebe. Da mu zagotovimo kar se da najboljšo zdravstveno oskrbo, je treba obiskati okulistično ordinacijo, v kateri se izvajajo preventivni okulistični pregledi, zdravljenje in operacije na očesih ali izdajajo korekcijska očala. Okulisti uporabljajo pri delu najsodobnejše aparature, v veliko pomoč pa so jim tudi informacijski sistemi, prilagojeni delu v okulistični ordinaciji. Zaradi hitrega razvoja okulistike, novih aparatur in s tem postopkov dela je v ordinaciji treba skrbeti tudi za ustrezno informacijsko infrastrukturo. V tej nalogi želim preveriti, kakšne informacijske rešitve že obstajajo na trgu. Na podlagi pridobljenih funkcionalnih zahtev, ki jih mora prenovljeni informacijski sistem vključevati, bomo po večkriterijskem odločanju izbrali najustreznejšo rešitev in jo v izbrani okulistični ordinaciji tudi vzpostavili.
Keywords:informatizacija, informacijska rešitev, večkriterijsko odločanje, prenova poslovnih procesov, upravljanje podatkov, okulistika
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[A. Kramar]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:81 str., [6] f. pril
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4982 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048390163 New window
Note:Na ov.: Magistrska naloga : študijskega programa druge stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:22.08.2018
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Licensing start date:21.08.2018

Secondary language

Abstract:The eye of a healthy person is the most important sense for perception of his/her surrounding and happenings. If we want to provide the best medical care for our eyes, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist who carries out preventive eye examinations, treatments and operations or provides eyeglasses. Ophthalmologists therefore need modern equipment for their work. It is very recommended that they have information systems adapted to work procedures in eye clinics. Due to the rapid development of ophthalmology as well as new apparatuses, work procedures and surgery, they should also take care of an appropriate information infrastructure. In this thesis I want to check out what kind of information solutions have already existed on the market. On the basis of functional requirements which a renewed information system must include and on the basis of multi-attribute decision-making models we are going to choose and implement the most appropriate solution for a selected ophthalmology office.
Keywords:computerization, information solutions, multi-criteria decision-making, business process reengineering, data management, ophthalmology
