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Title:Glasba v oblaku : pravni vidiki na področju varstva avtorskih in sorodnih pravic : magistrska naloga
Authors:ID Strojin, Urška (Author)
ID Modic, Dolores (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Strojin_Urska_i2016.pdf (1,00 MB)
MD5: 3267765F54600DFF694F3B7CD9946CF1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto
Abstract:Digitalne glasbene omarice so drastično spremenile način, kako ljudje hranijo, dostopajo do in poslušajo glasbo. Zaradi svoje karakteristike »zaprtosti« ter razlage zakonodaje s strani sodišč predstavljajo digitalne glasbene omarice imetnikom avtorskih ter sorodnih pravic in glasbeni industriji težave pri odkrivanju kršitev. Problematiko smo prikazali skozi razvoj zakonodaje in sodne prakse oz. sodnih primerov, katerih odločitve so imele nadaljnji vpliv na legitimnost uporabe tehnologije deduplikacije. Prav tako smo se osredotočili na problematiko določanja odgovornosti ponudnikov spletnih vsebin za neposredne in posredne kršitve ter problematiko izdaj obvestil za kršitve. Analiza primera MP3tunes, na katerega so pri končni razsodbi imeli vpliv številni drugi sodni primeri, nam je podala okvirni vidik obsežnosti omenjene problematike.
Keywords:računalništvo, računalništvo v oblaku, glasbena industrija, avtorske pravice, sorodne pravice, digitalne glasbene omarice
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[U. Strojin]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4983 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048389139 New window
Note:Na ov.: Magistrska naloga : študijskega programa druge stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:22.08.2018
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Licensing start date:21.08.2018

Secondary language

Abstract:Digital music lockers have drastically changed the way people store, access and listen to music. The characteristics of these music lockers and the court’s interpretation of current law, have made difficulties for copyright owners and the music industry in detecting copyright infringement. We have addressed this issue by analysing the development of the legislation and the case law which implications have made further influence on the legitimacy in usage of deduplication. We also focused on the issue of determining direct and indirect liability of online service providers and the issue of take-down notices. An indication of the scale of this issue is well seen in the analysis of the MP3tunes case on which several other cases have had impact and determined its final verdict.
Keywords:cloud computing, music industry, copyright, digital music lockers
