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Title:Skladanje teorije in prakse o prepovedi uporabi [!] sile v mednarodnem pravu
Authors:Sopotnik, Aleš (Author)
Petrič, Ernest (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Diplomska naloga proučuje skladanje teorije in prakse o prepovedi uporabe sile v mednarodnem pravu. Posveča se predvsem sodobni ureditvi kolektivne varnosti znotraj sistema Organizacije združenih narodov (v nadaljevanju OZN). Vsebuje kratek zgodovinski pregled razvoja uporabe sile v mednarodnem pravu, ki mu sledi pregled sodobne ureditve, ki se nanaša na prepoved uporabe sile. V tem delu so obrazložene splošna prepoved in dovoljene izjeme ter delovanje relevantnih organov znotraj OZN. Osrednji del predstavlja pregled nekaterih primerov, ko je v mednarodnem okolju prišlo do uporabe sile (korejska vojna, zalivska vojna, vojna v Afganistanu itd.). Vsak primer zajema opis dejanskega stanja in zgodovine ter analizo skladnosti s teorijo, kjer je bolj ali manj uspešno subsumiran pod eno izmed pravnih norm. Na koncu so podane analiza in ugotovitve o skladnosti praktičnih primerov s teorijo.
Year of publishing:2016
Publisher:[A. Sopotnik]
COBISS_ID:2053204918 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Files:.pdf RAZ_Sopotnik_Ales_i2016.pdf (543,22 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Skladanje teorije in prakse o prepovedi uporabi sile v mednarodnem pravu
Abstract:This thesis studies to what extent theory and practice of prohibition of use of force in international law match. It mostly focuses on the modern system of collective security inside the UN. It starts witha short historical overview of how the use of force in international law evolved over time, and then moves on to an overview of modern legal framework regarding the prohibition of use of force. It explains the general norm of prohibition of use of force, exceptions and when they apply, and how the relevant bodies within the UN function. The main part of this thesis is the case study of when force was used in an international environment (Korean war, Gulf war, War in Afghanistan, etc.). Each case has its own description of events and an analysis of how they fit within the system described in the theoretical part of this thesis. At the end is an analysis of the system as a whole and how well cases fall in line with the theory.
Keywords:Uporaba sile
