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Title:Primerjava programske opreme za 3D modeliranje, animacijo, simulacijo in renderiranje : magistrska naloga
Authors:ID Pavlovič, Sara (Author)
ID Rodič, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pavlovic_Sara_i2017.pdf (8,91 MB)
MD5: 23D12D06934B7765F044574B5E500B62
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto
Abstract:Računalniško generirane slike in animacije so nepogrešljiv del današnje tehnologije na večih področjih. 3D modeliranje se uporablja predvsem za prikaz objektov z namenom znižanja stroškov podjetij in za prikaz posebnih efektov, denimo v arhitekturi, oglaševanju, medijih, filmu, računalniških igrah, medicini, biomedicini, protetiki in še na veliko drugih področjih. Nekateri so mnenja, da bo v naslednjem desetletju vsako gospodinjstvo imelo 3D tiskalnik s katerim si bomo lahko natisnili izdelke, nadomestne dele in prototipe. Hkrati pa je neizogibno, da moramo imeti določeno mero znanja iz tridimenzionalnega oblikovanja, če želimo ustvariti model in si ga natisniti. Programi za tridimenzionalno oblikovanje so v večini zahtevni in zahtevajo precej izkušenj. Strokovnjaki iz teh področij se urijo več let in takšnih programov je na trgu precej, sami pa imamo možnost izbire med njimi.
Keywords:računalniška grafika, 3D modeliranje, animacija, geometrija, upodobitev
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[S. Pavlovič]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:XX, 123 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5023 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048464403 New window
Note:Na ov.: Magistrska naloga : študijskega programa druge stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:24.08.2018
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:22.08.2018

Secondary language

Abstract:Computer-generated images and animations are an indispensable part of today's technology in many areas. 3D modeling is mainly used to display objects in order to reduce costs in companies and to apply special effects in the fields like architecture, advertising, media, film, computer games, medicine, biomedicine, prosthetics and in many other areas. Some have the opinion that in the next decade, every household will have a 3D printer and we will be able to print products, spare parts and prototypes for our personal use. At the same time, it is inevitable that we have to have a certain amount of knowledge of three-dimensional design, if we want to create a model and print it. Software for three-dimensional design is demanding and requires a lot of training. Experts from these area are trained for several years. There is a lot of software for 3D modelling and we only have to choose between them.
Keywords:computer graphics, 3D modeling, animation, geometry, rendering
