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Title:Izvršilna funkcija v parlamentarnem in skupščinskem sistemu organizacije državne oblasti : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Ožura, Simona (Author)
ID Dujić, Slobodan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Ozura_Simona_i2016.pdf (617,82 KB)
MD5: 6C61A8DD8D79ABA94E0F91B42D5D35D4
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:V svojem diplomskem delu sem obravnavala funkcijo izvršilne veje oblasti v parlamentarnem in skupščinskem sistemu organizacije državne oblasti. Primer države z uveljavljenim parlamentarnim sistemom je Republika Slovenija, kjer je "bikefalna" izvršilna oblast države v rokah Vlade Republike Slovenije in Predsednika Republike Slovenije. Država s skupščinskim sistemom organizacije državne oblasti pa je Švicarska konfederacija, kjer Zvezni svet predstavlja izvršilno vejo državne oblasti. Diplomsko delo podrobno obravnava omenjene predstavnike izvršilne veje oblasti, ju primerja ter analizira glavne razlike med enim in drugim sistemom.Najprej je predstavljena Vlada Republike Slovenije, nato Zvezni svet Švicarske konfederacije. Za lažje razumevanje diplomskega dela sem na začetku predstavitve izvršilne oblasti obeh držav naredila kratek uvod z glavnimi ustavnimi značilnostmi posamezne države in s predstavitvijo njenih organov državne oblasti in političnega sistema. Nato sem podrobno predstavila obstoječi model oblikovanja organa izvršilne veje oblasti vsake države, njegovo sestavo, temeljne naloge, nadzor nad njegovim delom in odnos z zakonodajnim organom posamezne države (v Republiki Sloveniji je to Državni zbor, v Švicarski konfederaciji pa Zvezna skupščina).V nadaljevanju sem obravnavala zgodovinski razvoj organizacijskih modelov -skupščinskega in parlamentarnega sistema organizacije državne oblasti - s poudarkom na sistemu v nekdanji Jugoslaviji in v samostojni Sloveniji.Nato sem izpostavila prednosti in pomanjkljivosti obeh primerjalnih modelov organizacije državne oblasti ter zaključila z razmišljanjem o tem, ali je mogoče (in v kolikšni meri)tudi v slovenskem modelu državne oblasti uveljaviti določene elemente švicarskega modela organizacije državne oblasti.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[ S. Ožura]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:V, 55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5153 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053215158 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:19.09.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:My thesis deals with there presentative executive branches of authority in federal directorial system and parliamentary system of state authorities. The example of country with parliamentary system is the Republic of Slovenia where the executive power is in hand of The government of The Republic of Slovenia and The President of the Republic of Slovenia. On the other hand the country with federal directorial system is The Switzerland confederation with The Federal Council of Switzerland representing a federal directorial democratic system. Mainly I tried to present the both models of governmentand highlight the differences between them. Initially I focused on the presentation of government in Slovenia and then Switzerland. For easier understanding I started with a short introduction of the main constitutional features of each country, its main political bodies, basic functions and political system. I continued with a detailed description of the executive branch of each country, describing the formation, structure, basic tasks, its overseeing and the relationship between the executive and legislative parts of the government body. I took a closer look into the historical evolution of the two governing models and focused on pointing out their advantages as well as disadvantages.The main goal was to highlight the advantages of the Swiss model of governing to be able to compare it with the Slovenian model, in a manner that highlights any possible political instruments which would work in The Republic of Sloveniaas well as in The Swiss confederation.
