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Title:Uspešnost fizioterapevtske obravnave v podaljšanem bolnišničnem zdravljenju
Authors:ID Peterlin, Nadja (Author)
ID Omejec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kresal, Friderika (Comentor)
Files:.pdf 114$$peterlin_uspesnost_fizioterapevtske_obravnave_v_pbz.pdf (4,54 MB)
MD5: A78BA0D1DE78F568425BE68E88956E3A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Podaljšano bolnišnično zdravljenje (PBZ) je program Bolnišnice Sežana namenjen bolnikom, ki potrebujejo dodatno zdravljenje po akutni obravnavi. Fizioterapevtska obravnava predstavlja poglavitni del programa. Namen je ovrednotiti uspešnost fizioterapevtske obravnave v PBZ na podlagi primerjav rezultatov lestvice ocenjevanja motoričnih funkcij (MAS), razširjenega indeksa po Barthelovi (RBI) ter rehabilitacijskega lista (RL) ob sprejemu in odpustu iz bolnišnice. Metode: V raziskavo so bili vključeni 303 bolniki (75 % žensk, 92 % travmatoloških bolnikov), ki so pričeli z rehabilitacijo v letu 2016. Podatki so bili pridobljeni iz lestvic MAS, RBI in RL ob sprejemu in odpustu iz bolnišnice ter analizirani s programom SPSS. Rezultati: Razlike med prvim in zadnjim ocenjevanjem so bile statistično značilne za vse tri ocenjevalne lestvice (p<0,05). Nevrološki bolniki dosegajo v primerjavi s travmatološkimi slabše rezultate, tako ob sprejemu kot odpustu iz bolnišnice. Primerjava med spoloma je pokazala statistično značilno razliko le pri lestvici MAS in fizičnemu delu lestvice RBI (p<0,05). Statistično značilno povezavo med časom bivanja in uspešnostjo fizioterapevtske obravnave smo ugotovili le pri lestvici RL. Uporabnost: PBZ sledi stabilizaciji po akutni obravnavi bolnika in je idealen za starejše. Zagotavlja jim telesno, delovno in drugo rehabilitacijo. Omejitve: V primerjavi s travmatološkimi smo imeli zelo majhen vzorec nevroloških bolnikov, zanesljivost statističnih ocen za travmatološke bolnike je manjša.
Keywords:Podaljšano bolnišnično zdravljenje, uspešnost, funkcijsko ocenjevanje, fizioterapevtska obravnava
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5359 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048014451 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:08.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment in extended hospital care
Abstract:Introduction and objective: Extended hospital care (EHC) is a programme of Sežana Hospital that is intended for those patients who need additional health care after acute treatment. Physiotherapy occupies main part of the programme. In order to evaluate success rate of physiotherapy in EHC, a comparison of results obtained at hospital admission and discharge is carried out for Motor assessment scale (MAS), Extended Barthel Index (EBI) and Rehabilitation chart (RC). Methods: The study involved 303 patients (75% women, 92% traumatic) who were admitted to EHC programme in 2016. The data are collected from assessment scales MAS, EBI and RC at hospital admission and discharge and analyzed with SPSS software. Results: Differences between results at hospital admission and discharge are statistically significant for all scales (p<0.05). Neurological patients achieve worse results, both at hospital admission and discharge. Difference of results between men and women is statistically significant only at MAS and EBI-physical part (p<0.05). Statistically significant correlation between programme duration and physiotherapy success rate is found only at RP. Usability: EHC programme proves to be effective for the elderly following the stabilization of acute treatment. It provides physical, social and other rehabilitation. Limitations: Compared to traumatic patients we had a very small sample of neurological patients. Reliability of statistical estimates for neurological patients is lower.
Keywords:Extended hospital care, successfulness, motor function, physiotherapy treatment.
