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Title:Trgovina z ljudmi kot suženjstvo sodobnega časa : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Gričnik, Špela (Author)
ID Dežman, Zlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Gricnik_Spela_i2018.pdf (1,14 MB)
MD5: F5F387F1B2C9BC7B83D72ECA55652F1B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava problematiko suženjstva, ki se pojavlja v sodobnem času. Po eni izmed definicij je trgovina z ljudmi vsaka oblika prodaje ali prenosa ranljivih posameznikov ali skupin z namenom njihovega izkoriščanja. Obstajajo številne vladne in nevladne organizacije, le malo teh pa je specializiranih samo za področje trgovine z ljudmi. Ob teh pojavih pride do grobih kršitev človekovih pravic. Do porasta in razvoja te problematike lahko pripeljejo številni vzroki in dejavniki, kar terja množične žrtve, ki pa se medsebojno razlikujejo. Trgovanje predstavlja organizirano kriminaliteto v državah in je osredotočeno na ustvarjanje dobička. Na ta način se dobiček zagotovi kriminalnim združbam, zato je trgovanje z ljudmi v porastu, saj je v soodvisnosti od povpraševanja, tega pa je veliko. V nalogi je bilo ugotovljeno, da so v Sloveniji izpolnjeni minimalni pogoji za odpravo te problematike. Država je napredovala predvsem na zakonodajnem področju in v praksi. Glede na poročilo skupine strokovnjakov (GRETA) za boj proti trgovini z ljudmi, je potrebno več narediti za žrtve trgovine z belim blagom. Problematika trgovine z ljudmi se uspešno rešuje tudi tako, da se začne problem reševati takrat, ko se oblike izkoriščanja šele začenjajo razvijati in še niso v teku. Največjega pomena bi bilo, da se tega problema začnejo zavedati voditelji svetovnih gospodarstev in izpostavijo trgovino z ljudmi kot globalni problem ter kot najpomembnejše vprašanje reševanja sodobnega suženjstva.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Gričnik]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VI, 92 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5466 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053278390 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 24. 01. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:29.01.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:This master thesis discusses the problem of slavery, which occurs in modern time. According to one definition, human trafficking is any form of sale or transfer of vulnerable individuals or groups in order to exploit them. There are many governmental and non-governmental organizations, however, only a few of them specialize just in the field of human trafficking. These phenomena result in gross human rights violations. The rise and development of this problem can be due to various causes and factors claiming numerous victims, who differ from one another. Trafficking represents an organized crime in a country and is focused on generating profits. As such it provides profit for criminal organizations and that is why human trafficking is on the increase, since it is interdependent with demand, and there is a lot of it. In this master thesis was found out that the minimum conditions for the elimination of human trafficking are fulfilled in Slovenia. The country has made progress mainly in the legislative field but also in practice. According to the report by researchers (GRETA) on combating human trafficking, more needs to be done for the victims of trafficking. The problem of human trafficking is successfully solved by solving the problem when the forms of exploitation are only beginning to develop and are not already in progress. Still it would have an even more important significance if the leaders of global economies became aware of this problem and highlighted human trafficking as a global problem and as the most important question in solving modern slavery.
Keywords:Trgovina z ljudmi
