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Title:Sunitsko-šiitski konflikt v Islamu : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Fende, Žiga (Author)
ID Petrič, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Fende_Ziga_i2018.pdf (1,28 MB)
MD5: 2655C0E8B307034EA754D54EE603B450
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Sunitsko-šiitski konflikt v islamu danes pod vplivom lokalnih in globalnih komunikatorjev pogosto povezujemo z nemiri na Bližnjem vzhodu ter z njihovimi posledicami na globalni ravni. S spori med islamskima verskima ločinama pogojujemo kritične nestabilnosti regije, ki jih lahko na zgodovinskem poltraku opazujemo že vsaj nekaj desetletij, v zadnjem desetletju pa tudi nevarnosti evropski in globalni stabilnosti zaradi finančnega izčrpavanja lokalnih in mednarodnih deležnikov, odpiranja možnosti uporabe orožja množičnega uničevanja, terorističnih napadov ter humanitarne in begunske krize. Vendar pa pregled in zlasti primerjava dogajanja skozi zgodovino in danes kažeta, da sunitsko-šiitski konflikt ni resnično izhodišče z njim povezanih tveganj, ampak predstavlja zlasti orodje za manipulacijo. Verske razlike med suniti in šiiti so same od sebe le v izjemno redkih primerih vnemale boje, hkrati pa so že od začetkov neposredno vpletene v geopolitična, danes pa tudi širše družbena prizadevanja za moč, sredstva in oblast. V rokah lokalnih in globalnih deležnikov se napetosti oblikujejo in vzdržujejo z ustvarjanjem občutkov krivičnosti, ogroženosti in izločanja, pri doseganju interesov pa so že od nekdaj v uporabi različna sredstva za širjenje sporočil. Napetosti so se tako posebej zaostrile od časa množične uporabe medijev, od radija in televizije naprej do današnjih socialnih omrežij. Sunitsko-šiitski konflikt je v obsegu, kot obstaja danes, ustvarjen in upravljan ter vezan na doseganje in vzdrževanje politične moči in oblasti ter iz teh izhajajočih ekonomskih koristi. Ključna deležnika v trenutnih okoliščinah konflikta sta zlasti Savdska Arabija in Iran. Zgodovina nas pri tem uči, da kratkoročni politični in ekonomski interesi pogosto ogrožajo dolgoročno politično in ekonomsko stabilnost, zato bi bilo ključnega pomena narediti manipulacije bolj transparente ter jim na ta način odvzeti moč. Ključno vlogo pri tem bi morale imeti pristojne stroke in znanosti ter prevzeti iniciativo v komunikaciji z mediji in javnostjo. Tudi zahodni mediji namreč v veliki meri nekritično povzemajo in širijo enostransko interpretacijo dogajanj kot posledico verskih skrajnostih, medtem ko pristojne stroke in znanosti proizvajajo zanimivo majhen obseg recenziranih kritičnih obravnav dogajanja.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Fende]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VI, 65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5540 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053246646 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:14.03.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:Today, under the influence of local and global communicators, the Sunni-Shi'ite conflict in Islam is often associated with riots in the Middle East and their consequences on the global level. We associate the conflicts between Islamic religious divisions with the critical instability of the region. We have been able to observe the conflicts on the historical line for at least several decades, but in the last decade, they are opening the threat of European and global stability due to the financial exhaustion of local and international stakeholders, the possibility of using weapons of mass destruction, and conditioning the humanitarian and refugee crises. However, the review and, in particular, the comparison of events throughout history and today indicate that the Sunni-Shi'ite conflict is not a real starting point for its associated risks, but rather represents a tool for manipulation. Religious differences between Sunni and Shiites only in extremely rare cases are a real trigger of combats and battles. At the same time, they have been directly involved in geopolitical, but also today's broader social efforts for power, resources, and power. In the hands of local and global stakeholders, tensions are shaped and maintained by creating feelings of innocence, threats, and elimination, and in the pursuit of interests, various means of disseminating messages have always been in use. Tensions have been particularly exacerbated since the time of mass media use, from radio and television to today's social networks. The Sunni-Shi'ite conflict is to the extent that it exists today, created and managed, and linked to the achievement and maintenance of political power and control, and from these emerging economic benefits. In particular, Saudi Arabia and Iran are key players in the current conflict situation. History teaches us that short-term political and economic interests often endanger long-term political and economic stability, so it would be crucial to make the manipulation more transparent and thus to deprive them of power. A key role in this should be played by the responsible professions and science, which must take the initiative in communicating with the media and the general public. The local and global western media largely uncritically summarize and expand the unilateral interpretation of events as a result of religious extremes, while the competent professions and science produce an interesting small volume of reviewed critical reviews of events.
Keywords:Islamsko pravo
