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Title:Postsocialistično pravo v Republiki Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Adanič Dežman, Sara (Author)
ID Letnar Černič, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Adanic_Dezman_Sara_i2019.pdf (2,13 MB)
MD5: D76CB0CF76348FEE8AF4EF94A8B95141
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Republika Slovenija je bila v svoji preteklosti, pred osamosvojitvijo, pripadnica socialističnega in komunističnega režima. Posledično je njen pravni sistem pripadal skupini socialističnega prava in socialistične pravne tradicije, za katero je bila značilna podreditev prava in pravosodnih organov navodilom in interesom politike, ob tem pa so se razvile določena delovna misel in metode dela sodnikov, ki so bile značilne le za to pravno tradicijo. Glavni namen in cilj raziskovalnega dela sta bila ugotoviti, ali je delo slovenskih pravosodnih organov še vedno zaznamovano z nekdanjo delovno miselnostjo ter metodami dela oziroma značilnostmi socialistične pravne tradicije. Pri iskanju odgovora in doseganju zastavljenega cilja so bile uporabljene naslednje metode: zgodovinska, deskriptivna, statistična, komparativna, induktivna in metoda kompilacije ter metodi analize in sinteze. Njihova uporaba pa je pripeljala do ugotovitve, da so nekatere izmed teh značilnosti še danes prisotne v delovni sferi slovenskih pravosodnih organov, zlasti pa njihov strah pred ustreznim ukrepanjem oziroma sprejemanjem končnih odločitev v zadevah, ki bi lahko obremenile politične osebe in njihove interese. Rezultati tega dela predstavljajo opozorilo oziroma dopolnjujejo že obstoječa opozorila nekaterih pravnih in drugih strokovnjakov, ki opozarjajo na to, da demokracija, vladavina prava, spoštovanje človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin ter v določeni meri tudi medsebojna neodvisnost vej državnih oblasti v Republiki Sloveniji, niso spoštovane v polni meri kot to piše v določbah Ustave Republike Slovenije.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Adanič Dežman]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:222 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5800 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053321398 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 06. 06. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:11.06.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:Before the independence, the Republic of Slovenia was a part of a socialist and communist regime. Consequently its law system belonged to a group of socialist law and a socialist legal tradition, for which the subordination of law and judicial authorities to instructions and interests of policy was typical. In this time some work-thought and work methods of judges, particularly typical for socialist legal tradition was developed. The main purpose and goal of this work was to find out if the work of the Slovenian judicial authorities is still marked with the same work-thought and work methods or the same characteristics of socialist legal tradition. When looking for a response and achieving the desired goal the following methods were used: historical, descriptive, statistical, comparative, inductive, the method of compilation and methods of analysis and synthesis. Their use has led to the conclusion that some of characteristics of socialist legal tradition are still present in working sphere Slovenian judicial authorities, in particular their fear of proper action or making the final decision in cases that could burden the politicians and their interests. The results of this work present a warning or complement the existing warnings of some legal and other experts that warn that democracy, the rule of law, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the mutual independence of state branches of government in some way in Republic of Slovenia are not respected in the full, as it is written in the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia.
