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Title:Svet OZN za človekove pravice : delo in problemi
Authors:ID Ternovec, Pia (Author)
ID Petrič, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Ternovec_Pia_i2019.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: 2E91A5299A3A40605C3CFB3738672FDA
Work type:Final reflection paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Svet OZN za človekove pravice je medvladno telo Organizacije združenih narodov, ki je bilo ustanovljeno z namenom spoštovanja, spodbujanja in krepitve varovanja človekovih pravic po celem svetu. Nastal je iz prejšnje Komisije za človekove pravice z resolucijo Generalne skupščine 60/251 dne 15. marca 2006, s sedežem v Ženevi (Švica). Sestavlja ga 47 držav članic OZN, ki so s strani Generalne skupščine vanj izvoljene za dobo treh let. Preko posrednega in neposrednega dela poročevalcev specifično pregleduje stanje človekovih pravic v posameznih državah. Diplomsko delo je posvečeno predstavitvi Sveta OZN za človekove pravice, s poudarkom predvsem na delu in problemih. To je storjeno s pomočjo opisne metode, obenem pa se v diplomskem delu skuša potrditi hipotezo, da je Svet OZN za človekove pravice temeljni organ v strukturi OZN, ki je ustanovljen z namenom spoštovanja in priznavanja človekovih pravic po celem svetu. V uvodnem delu je na kratko definiran pojem in pomen človekovih pravic na splošno ter podrobneje analiziran njihov pomen v samem Svetu. V jedru je na kratko predstavljena Organizacija združenih narodov kot temelj za obstoj samega Sveta, vključno s predstavitvijo poglavitnih organov. Nato se preide na bistvo diplomskega dela. Omenjeno je torej delo Sveta OZN za človekove pravice ter številni problemi, ki so ga prizadeli tekom teh let. Eni izmed ključnih problemov so predvsem izstop ZDA iz Sveta, sprejem novih članic, očitek neverodostojnosti, kršitve človekovih pravic s strani Savdske Arabije itd. Soočati pa se je moral tudi z neuspešnim nadzorom stanja človekovih pravic na Kitajskem in še z mnogim drugim.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[P. Ternovec]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:VII, str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5941 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053340342 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 23. 07. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:25.07.2019
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Abstract:The UN Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations that was established with the aim of respecting, encouraging and strengthening the protection of the human rights throughout the world. It was developed by the Commission on Human Rights with the General Assembly resolution 60/251 on 15 March 2006, with it's location in Geneva (Switzerland). It has 47 states, which are also members of the United Nations, who were elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years. Through a direct and indirect work of the rapporteurs, it specifically reviews the human rights situation in individual countries. The thesis is dedicated to the presentation of the United Nations Human Rights Council, with a specific focus on the work and the problems of it. This is done by using the descriptive method. At the same time, the thesis is trying to confirm the hypothesis, that the United Nations Human Rights Council is the fundamental body in the United Nations structure, established with the aim of respecting and recognizing human rights around the world. In the introduction, it's briefly defined the concept and significance of the human rights in general, and analyzed in details their meaning in the Council itself. In the main part of the thesis, it's briefly described the United Nations Organization (including the description of it's main organs), as it represents the fundamental for the existence of the Council. Then we pass on the essence of the thesis. Therefore, it's mentioned the work of the Council and the numerous problems that have affected it during these years. One of the key problems is, in particular, the withdrawal of the US from the Council, the election of new members, the complaint of incompetence, the violation of the human rights by Saudi Arabia, etc. It also had to face the unsuccessful monitoring of the human rights situation in China and much more.The UN Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations that was established with the aim of respecting, encouraging and strengthening the protection of the human rights throughout the world. It was developed by the Commission on Human Rights with the General Assembly resolution 60/251 on 15 March 2006, with it's location in Geneva (Switzerland). It has 47 states, which are also members of the United Nations, who were elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years. Through a direct and indirect work of the rapporteurs, it specifically reviews the human rights situation in individual countries. The thesis is dedicated to the presentation of the United Nations Human Rights Council, with a specific focus on the work and the problems of it. This is done by using the descriptive method. At the same time, the thesis is trying to confirm the hypothesis, that the United Nations Human Rights Council is the fundamental body in the United Nations structure, established with the aim of respecting and recognizing human rights around the world. In the introduction, it's briefly defined the concept and significance of the human rights in general, and analyzed in details their meaning in the Council itself. In the main part of the thesis, it's briefly described the United Nations Organization (including the description of it's main organs), as it represents the fundamental for the existence of the Council. Then we pass on the essence of the thesis. Therefore, it's mentioned the work of the Council and the numerous problems that have affected it during these years. One of the key problems is, in particular, the withdrawal of the US from the Council, the election of new members, the complaint of incompetence, the violation of the human rights by Saudi Arabia, etc. It also had to face the unsuccessful monitoring of the human rights situation in China and much more.
Keywords:Človekove pravice
