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Title:Kdaj je odvetnik/odvetniška družba dolžna ravnati po določbah zakona o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma (ZPPDFT-1) : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Mahkovec Gorenc, Ana (Author)
ID Ahlin Doljak, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Mahkovec_Gorenc_Ana_i2019.pdf (652,38 KB)
MD5: 1125CC29EA64E9E7EFAB4631870C77BB
Work type:Final reflection paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi bo obravnavana tematika pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma s poudarkom na vlogi odvetnika pri preprečevanju le-tega. V nalogi bodo uvodoma opisani osnovni pojmi s področja preprečevanja pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma. Podrobneje bo predstavljeno pranje denarja in financiranja terorizma, vloga odvetnikov in odvetniških družb, stanje na področju Slovenije, delovanje Urada Republike Slovenije za preprečevanje pranja denarja, analiza Zakona o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma ter ureditev v posameznih mednarodnih organizacijah. Od pojava globalizacije problematika kaznivega dejanja pranja denarja ter financiranja terorizma pomeni vse resnejši in večji problem. Število teh kaznivih dejanj se iz leta v leto povečuje. Za učinkovit boj proti pranju denarja so poleg ustrezne inkriminacije tega kaznivega dejanja potrebni tudi ukrepi, ki zajemajo povezovanje posameznih držav in nacionalnih organov ter delovanje odvetnikov. Po svoji naravi pravni poklic postavlja odvetnike v poseben položaj, s pomočjo katerega lahko določenim osebam olajšajo in posredujejo pri pomembnih gospodarskih in finančnih transakcijah, zato je pomembno, da odvetniki splošno razumejo in izpolnjujejo določene obveznosti določene z zakoni in mednarodnimi konvencijami. Odvetnikom se svetuje, naj svojim strankam razkrijejo svoje obveznosti glede skrbnosti in takojšne poročanje v primeru zaznave sumljive transakcije.
Keywords:financiranje terorizma, vloga odvetnikov, kazniva dejanja
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Mahkovec Gorenc]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:54 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5991 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053355190 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 02. 09. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:03.09.2019
MAHKOVEC GORENC, Ana, 2019, Kdaj je odvetnik/odvetniška družba dolžna ravnati po določbah zakona o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma (ZPPDFT-1) : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Mahkovec Gorenc. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis will cover the topic of money laundering and terrorist financing, with an emphasis on the role of the lawyer in preventing it. The paper will outline basic concepts in the field of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing. The following issue has been more precisely presented: money laundering and terrorist financing, the role of lawyers and law firms, the situation in Slovenia, the operation of the Office for the Prevention of Money Laundering, analysis of the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, and regulations in individual international organizations. In today%s technologically advanced and rapidly developing world the problem of money laundering and terrorist financing has been a growing and serious problem. The number of these crimes is increasing year by year. Besides adequate incrimination of money laundering there are other actions needed to successfully fight against this type of crime. These actions also include integration of individual countries and national authorities and the work of lawyers. By its very nature, the legal profession places lawyers in a special position by which they can facilitate and mediate certain economic and financial transactions for certain persons, and it is therefore important for lawyers to have a general understanding and fulfillment of certain obligations laid down by law and international conventions. Lawyers are advised to disclose to their clients their due diligence obligations and prompt reporting in the event of a suspicious transaction being detected.
Keywords:Pranje denarja
