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Authors:ID Stopinšek, Nika (Author)
ID Zupan, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 128$$nikastopinsek-diplomskanaloga.pdf (1,37 MB)
MD5: 3F92ACDE19CF73507148735C5777DF3A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Multipla skleroza je nevrološka bolezen, ki privede do motenj hoje. Temelj zdravljenja je dobro načrtovana rehabilitacija, v sklopu katere je vse pomembnejša uporaba novodobnih medicinsko-tehničnih pripomočkov, med katere spada tudi Lokomat. Namen naloge je ugotoviti, koliko pacientov z multiplo sklerozo v Sloveniji pozna vadbo na Lokomatu, koliko jih je takšno obliko terapije že imelo in kakšne vplive je imela na sposobnost hoje. Metode: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 122 pacientov, ki so izpolnili anonimni anketni vprašalnik. Pridobljene podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo programa SPSS. Rezultati: Med anketiranimi je bilo 75 % žensk in 25 % moških, starih med 21 in 80 let. Le 39 % anketiranih pozna vadbo na Lokomatu in le 9 % jih je že bilo deležnih tovrstne oblike vadbe. Pacienti, ki so preizkusili vadbo na Lokomatu, so poročali o izboljšanju hitrosti hoje, vzdržljivosti, prehojene razdalje in zmanjšanju bolečin pri hoji. Uporabnost: Čeprav naj bi imela vadba hoje na Lokomatu ugodne vplive, je premalo pacientov seznanjenih s to obliko terapije, še manj pa jih je tovrstno obliko vadbe tudi že preizkusilo. Na področju uporabe Lokomata pri pacientih z multiplo sklerozo je še vedno premalo raziskav in dokazov, zato ne moremo z gotovostjo trditi, ali je učinkovita pri vseh pacientih in v kateri koli fazi bolezni. Omejitve: Anketirali smo člane Združenja multiple skleroze Slovenije, in sicer ne glede na njihovo starost, spol, potek in trajanje bolezni
Keywords:multipla skleroza, hoja, fizioterapija, Lokomat
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6009 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048014963 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:05.09.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:Introduction and purpose: Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease which can lead to distinct gait impairments. Modern assisted technology is becoming an indispensable part of the treatment and Lokomat is one of that. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how many patients with multiple sclerosis in Slovenia are familiar with gait training on the Lokomat, how many of them have already had this type of therapy and which effects were shown after the treatment. Methods: The study included 122 patients which fulfilled an anonymous questionnaire. Data was analyzed using SPSS. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 75% women and 25% men, aged between 21 and 80 years. Only 39% patients are familiar with Lokomat and only 9% have had this type of therapy. Patients that have already had this type of therapy report about improving walking speed, endurance, walking distance and reducing walking pain. Usability: Despite the fact that gait training on the Lokomat is supposed to have beneficial effects, there is still poor knowledge about modern therapy and only few have had the opportunity to experience gait training on Lokomat. There is limited research and evidence to determine effectiveness between patients with multiple sclerosis. Therefore we can not claim if the therapy is effective among patients with different characteristics of the disease. Limitations: We interviewed members of the Multiple sclerosis Association of Slovenia, regardless of their age, gender, course and duration of the disease.
Keywords:multiple sclerosis, gait, physical therapy, Lokomat
