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Title:Dejavniki zunanjega in notranjega okolja pri obvladovanju procesa mediacije : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Potočnik, Tanja (Author)
ID Jambrek, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Potocnik_Tanja_i2019.pdf (725,55 KB)
MD5: ECC3B570B9864632FD4068CF83122C33
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Mediacija se uveljavlja kot pomembna metoda alternativnega reševanja sporov. V postopku sodelujejo udeleženci in mediator oziroma več mediatorjev, kadar je govora o komediaciji. Postopek mediacije poteka v določenem okolju, ki bolj ali manj vpliva na samo učinkovitost postopka. K zunanjemu okolju postopka mediacije lahko prištevamo pravno okolje, institucije, ki opravljajo mediacijo, prevladujočo kulturo v družbi in naravo spora. V notranje okolje mediacije lahko uvrstimo mediatorja in udeležence, ki želijo med postopkom poiskati ugodno rešitev spora. Mediator mora med procesom sprejemati odločitve glede samega poteka postopka, te pa morajo biti tudi etično sprejemljive. Mediator usmerja proces, ter omogoča napredovanje postopka tudi z uporabo raznovrstnih mediacijskih tehnik, ki so odvisne od vrste mediacije, ki jo mediator uporablja. Udeleženci postopka vstopajo v sam proces z raznovrstnimi interesi, prav tako tudi s čustvi. Prepoznavanje interesov pri posameznih udeležencih, predpisanih in pripisanih interesov je pomembno, saj lahko vpliva na potek postopka. Obvladovanje postopka mediacije je kompleksna dejavnost, ki zahteva poznavanje vplivov iz zunanjega okolja, prav tako tudi mediatorjevo sposobnost, znanje in izkušnje, da v kritičnih situacijah uporabi primerne ukrepe in mediacijske tehnike, s katerimi omogoči udeležencem, da uspešno poiščejo možne rešitve spora. Konec postopka mediacije lahko predstavlja dosežen dogovor o načinu rešitve spora, lahko pa se postopek konča tudi brez dogovora. Uspešnost postopka mediacije ni odvisna zgolj od dejstva, ali je bil dosežen dogovor ali ne. Uspešnost mediacije lahko povezujemo s poštenostjo, z nevtralnostjo, učinkovitostjo in doseženimi učinki postopka.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Potočnik]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:V, 91 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6150 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048030436 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 11. 11. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:12.11.2019
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Abstract:Mediation process is important method of alternative conflict resolution. The process includes mediator and participants. Every single process takes place in different environment, which have certain level of influence on process. External environment of mediation process includes law and regulations, institutions related with mediation process, culture of society and conflict type. Internal environment consists of mediator and participants, who want to resolve their dispute. During the process mediator have to make decisions about the process. Those decisions have to be ethically acceptable. Ethical decision making in specific situations depends on mediator`s values, regulations and ethical codes. Mediators are using during the process different mediation techniques to ensure, that process takes the right direction. Participants have different interests and emotions when they start with mediation process. Defining interest, which participants should have and interests that participants think they have or may have are important, because interests can influence mediation process. Management of mediation process is difficult. It demands consideration of influences out of external environment, mediator knowledge, abilities and experiences, so mediator can use in critical situations proper techniques and measures, which enable participants to seek solutions for their dispute. Process can end with an agreement or without it. Success of the process does not depend just of fact that agreement has been reached or not. Process can be assumed as successful when the process has been neutral, effective and honest, with outcomes that have value for participants.
