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Title:Mnenje otroka v družinski mediaciji in sodnem postopku v primeru razveze zakonske zveze staršev : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Ušaj, Kristina (Author)
ID Dežman, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Usaj_Kristina_i2019.pdf (3,85 MB)
MD5: 053B55FAB2BDEDCFD9BC74B93E8C0718
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Zakonca lahko razvežeta zakonsko zvezo na podlagi medsebojnega sporazuma ali tožbe enega izmed zakoncev. Ob tem se morata sporazumeti o vseh bistvenih vprašanjih ali pa o njih odloči sodnik. "Sodišče pri odločitvi o varstvu, vzgoji in preživljanju otroka, o stikih, izvajanju starševske skrbi in podelitvi starševske skrbi sorodniku upošteva tudi otrokovo mnenje, če je sposoben razumeti pomen situacije in posledice". Tako določa 410. člen ZPP (Zakon o pravdnem postopku), torej vprašanje vključitve otroka ni vezano na neko določeno starost otroka, temveč je prepuščeno prosti presoji sodnika glede na posamezen primer. Prav tako je možno vključiti otroka v postopek družinske mediacije, kjer imata partnerja možnost, da do sporazumne odločitve prideta s pomočjo nevtralnega mediatorja. Pri izdelavi dela bo uporabljena deskriptivna metoda s študijem domače in tuje literature, v pomoč pa bodo tudi strokovni članki in splet. Z metodo kompilacije bodo povzeta spoznanja in ugotovitve priznanih avtorjev s področja obravnavane teme, ki bodo vključena v delo. Na koncu bodo povzete ugotovitve, pridobljene na podlagi raziskave in analize spletne ankete zaprtega tipa, kjer bo uporabljena kvantitativna metoda. Namen dela je predstaviti in obravnavati vprašanje otrokove participacije v postopku razveze staršev ter odgovoriti na vprašanje, kakšen vpliv ima to na otroka ter kakšno ureditev poznamo na tem področju. V magistrskem delu bomo poskušali prikazati, da je mediacija primernejše okolje za vključevanje otroka, zlasti v primerjavi s sodnimi postopki. Poskušali bomo tudi odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali je morda bolje, da se otrok, predvsem mlajši, ne vključuje v postopke razveze staršev.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Ušaj]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:VII, 100 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6156 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048030180 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 11. 11. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:12.11.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:The spouses may dissolve their marriage either by mutual agreement or on the basis of a divorce petition filed by one of the spouses. During the process, they have to agree on all the essential issues, or they will be decided on by the judge. When deciding on care, education and maintenance of the child, on child-parent contact, performance of parental care, as well as on the attribution of parental rights to a relative, the child's opinion will be taken into consideration by the court, provided that the child is able to understand the meaning of the situation and its consequences. That is provided by Article 410 of the Civil Procedure Act, and consequently the inclusion of the child in the procedure is not subject to a certain age of the child, but should be left to the discretion of the judge on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, it is possible to involve the child in a family mediation process, where the spouses have the opportunity to reach a consensual decision with the assistance of an impartial mediator. In my thesis, I will use a descriptive task consisting of national and foreign literature study, supported by academic articles and the internet. Applying a compilation method, I will summarize the findings and conclusions by eminent authors related to the subject in question, and incorporate them in the thesis. Finally, I will summarize my findings obtained by means of research and analysis of a closed internet survey, applying a quantitative method. The purpose of the thesis is to present and address the issue of child participation in the parents% divorce proceedings, and to answer the question of how that affects the child and which regulations exist in that field. In the thesis, I will seek to prove that mediation is more suitable for child involvement, especially in comparison with legal proceedings. I will also examine the question of whether it may be better to refrain altogether from involving the children, especially younger ones, in their parents% divorce process
Keywords:Družinsko pravo
