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Title:Izzivi gospodarske diplomacije Slovenije in vpliv gospodarske krize nanjo : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Kovačič Guček, Metka (Author)
ID Puharič, Krešimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Kovacic_Gucek_Metka_i2019.pdf (1,81 MB)
MD5: E7E804240BBA734493A3F5375DD98578
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:Not in organisation
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je proučevana organiziranost gospodarske diplomacije v Republiki Sloveniji. Slovenija velja za mlado, majhno in izvozno usmerjeno državo. Te tri oznake kažejo na pomembnost gospodarske diplomacije zanjo. Zaradi izvozne usmerjenosti je njena gospodarska diplomacija zelo pomembna, saj je ciljno v funkciji zagotavljanja podpore, sočasno pa prispeva k širši uveljavitvi njene prepoznavnosti. Mladost države kaže na dejstvo, da je Slovenija začela svojo samostojno diplomatsko pot pisati nedolgo nazaj, s časom pa se je osredotočila tudi na povečano vlogo krepitve gospodarskih odnosov po diplomatskih predstavništvih. Že v času njenega obstoja se je soočila z mnogimi izzivi, med drugim s svetovno gospodarsko krizo, ki bo predmet ožje obravnave pojma gospodarske diplomacije Slovenije in njenih izzivov v prihodnje. V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni vloga in področja delovanja gospodarske diplomacije, njeni dejavniki ter njen dosedanji razvoj v Sloveniji. Glavni dejavnik, Ministrstvo, pristojno za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije, opisuje gospodarsko diplomacijo kot eno svojih ključnih aktivnosti, saj sta njena vloga in pomen danes zelo pomembna za slovensko gospodarstvo. V drugem delu magistrskega dela je predstavljena analiza in raziskava vpliva nedavne svetovne gospodarske krize na gospodarsko diplomacijo Republike Slovenije. V tem delu je raziskano, kakšen vpliv je imela gospodarska kriza na aktivnosti gospodarske diplomacije v času krize, ravno takrat, ko bi jo gospodarstvo zelo potrebovalo, ter s kakšnimi izzivi se sedaj, po koncu krize, gospodarska diplomacija sooča in kakšni so možni načini, da bi bilo njeno delovanje v prihodnje še bolj učinkovito.
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[M. Kovačič Guček]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:127 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6225 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048038628 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 10. 12. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:11.12.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master thesis deals with the organization of economic diplomacy in the Republic of Slovenia. Slovenia is considered to be a young, small and export-oriented country. These three features indicate the importance of economic diplomacy for the country. Due to its export orientation, its economic diplomacy is very important, as it is aimed at providing support and, at the same time, contributing to much better visibility. Being a "new" country points to the fact that Slovenia began its own independent diplomatic journey not long ago, and with time, it has also focused on the increasing role of strengthening economic relations through diplomatic representations. Already during its short existence, it has faced a lot of challenges, including the global economic crisis, which will be the subject of a more detailed consideration of the concept of economic diplomacy of Slovenia and its challenges in the future. In the first part, the master thesis presents the role and fields of activity of economic diplomacy, its factors and its development in Slovenia so far. The main factor, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, describes economic diplomacy as one of its key activities, since its role and importance today are of high significance to the Slovenian economy. In the second part of the master thesis, the analysis and research of the impact of the recent global economic crisis on Slovenia's economic diplomacy have been presented. This part studies the impact of the economic crisis on the activities of economic diplomacy during the crisis, just when it is mostly needed by the economy, and the current challenges after the economic crisis, which economic diplomacy faces, as well as possible ways to make it even more effective in the future.
