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Title:Sodna oligarhija : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Ozimek, Tjaša (Author)
ID Petrič, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Ozimek_Tjasa_i2020.pdf (675,16 KB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Dediščina totalitarnega režima je velik del pravosodja v Sloveniji. Kljub osamosvojitvi od totalitarne države, v kateri so bile hudo kršene človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, kjer pravna država ni delovala, pa je trenutno stanje drugačno od pričakovanega. Ustavna demokracija obstaja zgolj na papirju, prihaja pa do razhajanj med deklariranim in realnim. Slovenija namreč predstavlja državo z neodvisnim sodstvom, a odvisnimi sodniki. Slednje vodi v vse več kršitev človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, pri čemer imunski sistem pravosodja ne deluje. Vodstvene strukture držijo oblast v svojih rokah, tudi za ceno kršitev teh temeljnih pravic, kar se odraža v številnih neustavnih sodnih odločbah. Pri tem nam Ustavno sodišče vrača upanje v pravno državo, pri čemer korektno in strokovno delo Ustavnega sodišča moti Vrhovno sodišče. Na pomembnih mestih v sodstvu sedijo ljudje, ki so navajeni ponižnosti, sebe pa doživljajo kot birokrata. Takšni sodniki se zatečejo k formalistični predstavi besed, se skrivajo za zakoni, črkami in besedami, in kot taki želijo ostati anonimni. Takšni sodniki delujejo v čredi, odgovornost za njihovo nestrokovno delo pa se na ta način razprši. Največja odgovornost za ne delovanje imunskega sistema sodstva gre predsedniku Vrhovnega sodišča, ki je v resnici prvi med enakimi, kar pomeni, da bi moral biti najboljši v vseh kvalitetah, ki jih sodnik mora imeti, njegovo pravno znanje bi moralo biti izstopajoče, predvsem pa mora biti izjemno moralna oseba. Vse našteto vodi v stanje v pravosodju, ki mu pravimo sodna oligarhija.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Ozimek]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:[VIII], 84 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6482 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048124900 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 18. 3. 2020;
Publication date in ReVIS:23.03.2020
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Secondary language

Abstract:The heritage of the totalitarian regime is a large part of the judiciary in Slovenia. Despite independence from a totalitarian state in which human rights and fundamental freedoms have been violated, and where the rule of law has not operated, the current situation is different than expected. Constitutional democracy exists only on paper, and there is a discrepancy between the declared and the real. Slovenia is a country with an independent judiciary but dependent judges. The latter is leading to more and more violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, with the judicial system immune. Governments also hold power in their hands for the price of violations of these fundamental rights, which is reflected in many unconstitutional court decisions. In doing so, the Constitutional Court restores our hope in the rule of law, since it, as the last defender of human rights and fundamental freedoms, eliminates the unconstitutionality of decisions of regular courts. The correct and professional work of the Constitutional Court disrupts the Supreme Court, which is to be understood as the beginning of a totalitarian regime. Important places in the judiciary are people accustomed to humility, who perceive themselves as a bureaucrat. Such judges resort to the formalistic representation of words, hide behind laws, letters and words, and as such, wish to remain anonymous. Such judges operate in the herd, and the responsibility for their unprofessional work is thus dispersed. For such individuals to come to such important places, the system of appointing judges is to blame. The highest responsibility for the immune system of the judiciary goes to the President of the Supreme Court, who is in fact the first among equals, which means that he should be the best in all the qualities a judge has, his legal knowledge should be outstanding, and above all be an extremely moral person. All of the above leads to a situation in the judiciary called the judicial oligarchy.
