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Title:Pravni in institucionalni vidiki ureditve kibernetske varnosti in obrambe Republike Slovenije : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Štrucl, Damjan (Author)
ID Brožič, Liliana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Strucl_Damjan_i0.pdf (5,74 MB)
MD5: 49DD6FE755FECD0864393A5492D700B7
Work type:Dissertation
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Varnost je tudi prvina vsakega nacionalnovarnostnega sistema ali mednarodne organizacije, kot sta Evropska unija (EU) in Nato (angl. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation). Med vso evolucijo človeštva so se spreminjali tudi varnostni izzivi, tveganja, pravo, varnostne institucije itn., takšne spremembe pa zahteva tudi današnji sodobni čas, imenovan digitalna doba. Digitalna doba je človeku prinesla veliko pozitivni stvari, a hkrati tudi negativnih, ki se odražajo v sodobnih varnostnih tveganjih v umetnem prostoru, ki ga je ustvaril človek s pomočjo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Umetni oziroma t. i. kibernetski prostor prinaša veliko izzivov na področju nacionalnega in mednarodnega prava ter v institucionalni ureditvi, pa tudi v razumevanju terminologije, ki v svetovni strokovni javnosti ni enotna. Kibernetski prostor ne predstavlja zgolj grožnje nacionalnovarnostnemu sistemu, temveč tudi mednarodnemu in tudi človeku. Zato je v sodobnem fizičnem svetu treba upoštevati tudi vzporedni virtualni svet, imenovan kibernetski prostor, ki ne pozna fizičnih oziroma ozemeljskih meja, a močno vpliva na vse oblike varnosti. Tako so se razvile nove oblike varnostnih groženj, nastajajo nove dileme in novi izzivi, na katere sta se mednarodna skupnost kot tudi Republika Slovenija (v nadaljevanju RS) odzvali različno, z različnimi pravnimi in institucionalnimi ureditvami. Temu botruje tudi terminološka neenotnost strokovne javnosti, ki se kaže v različnem razumevanju in poimenovanju termina, npr. informacijska varnost, kibernetska varnost in kibernetska obramba. Vsebina tega dela je raziskovanje pravne in institucionalne ureditve kibernetske varnosti in obrambe RS, pri čemer smo uporabili deduktivni pristop. V uvodu tega dela je predstavljena terminološka zagata, ki vpliva na ustrezno zagotavljanje kibernetske varnosti in obrambe, pojasnjeni so teoretični in praktični vidiki sodobne varnosti, njenih izzivov, s poudarkom na pravni in institucionalni ureditvi kibernetske varnosti in obrambe. V praktičnem delu je opravljena analiza pravne in institucionalne ureditve držav članic EU in Nata ter RS, razčlenjene so pravne podlage, ki posredno ali neposredno vplivajo na zagotavljanje kibernetske varnosti in obrambe, ter narejena primerjalna analiza posameznih držav s področja zagotavljanja kibernetske varnosti in obrambe. V zaključnem delu so podani predlogi za izboljšanje pravne in institucionalne ureditve kibernetske varnosti in obrambe RS, znotraj katerih so smiselno povzete prednosti ter slabosti sedanje ureditve.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6501 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:24.03.2020
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Abstract:Security is a constituent part of any national security system or international organization, such as the European Union (EU) and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Throughout the evolution, changes also affected the humanity, security challenges, risks, law, security institutions and other entities. Such changes are also required by today's modern era, called the digital age. The digital age has brought many positive things to the mankind, but at the same time also the negative ones. The latter are reflected in the contemporary security risks arising in the artificial space created by man through information and communication technology. The artificial space (also known as cyberspace) brings many challenges to the fields of national and international law and institutional regulation, as well as to the understanding of the terminology, which is not uniform throughout the global community of experts. Cyberspace not only represents a threat to the national-security system, but also to the international security system as well as to the mankind. Therefore, in the modern physical world, it is important to also consider the parallel virtual world, i. e. cyberspace, which knows no physical or territorial boundaries, but has a strong impact on all forms of security. Consequently, new forms of security threats have developed with new dilemmas and new challenges to which both the international community as well as the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as RS) have reacted differently, with different legal and institutional arrangements. This is also due to the inconsistencies in terminology used by experts, which are reflected in the different understanding and designations (e.g. information security, cyber security and cyber defence). The present work explores the legal and institutional regulation of cyber security and defence in the Republic of Slovenia using a deductive approach. In the introduction we present the terminology dilemma that affects the proper provision of cyber security and defence and explain the theoretical and practical aspects of modern security and its challenges with emphasis on the legal and institutional arrangements for cyber security and defence. In the empirical part of the thesis, we analyse the legal and institutional arrangements of EU and NATO member states, and the Republic of Slovenia as well as the legal bases that directly or indirectly affect cyber security and defence. Additionally, we provide a comparative analysis between individual countries in the field of cyber security and defence. We conclude by presenting the proposals for improvements to the legal and institutional regulation of cyber security and defence in the Republic of Slovenia and logically summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the current regulation.
