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Authors:ID Strmčnik, Sebastjan (Author)
ID Podnar, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 318$$marec,_diplomska_naloga,_2020.pdf (1,81 MB)
MD5: 3FA6C6B4A91D36B40A5588763E6C656B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Možganska kap spada med žariščne možganskožilne bolezni in je posledica okvare možganskih žil. Pri ljudeh, po preboleli možganski kapi, se lahko pojavijo okvare na gibalnem področju ali na drugih področjih človekovega delovanja. Pri celostni obravnavi bolnika po možganski kapi, ki jo izvaja multidisciplinarna ekipa, je glavna naloga fizioterapevta, da z različnimi fizioterapevtskimi metodami in tehnikami vzpostavi vračanje motoričnih funkcij pri bolniku. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na proces rehabilitacijske obravnave bolnika po možganski kapi. Metode: Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo pregleda literature, objavljene v obdobju med letoma 2005 in 2019. Uporabljene so bile raziskave avtorjev, podprte z dokazi. Rezultate raziskav smo prikazali v obliki tabele. Rezultati: V pregled literature smo vključili 16 raziskav, ki so obravnavale fizioterapevtsko rehabilitacijo bolnika po preboleli možganski kapi. Ugotovitve študij so pokazale večjo učinkovitost kombiniranih metod in tehnik v fizioterapiji (PNF, Bobath, kinezioterapija, hidroterapija, FES) pri izboljšanju funkcionalnih sposobnosti bolnikov, ki so doživeli možgansko kap. Kombinirana terapija lahko učinkovito dopolnjuje standardno rehabilitacijo, kar je razvidno iz raziskav. Uporabnost: S pregledom člankov v Pubmedu lahko dokažemo, da fizioterapevtski postopki izboljšajo kakovost življenja bolnikov po možganski kapi. Omejitve: Potrebnih je še več raziskav na področju rehabilitacije, preprečevanja, ozaveščanja in zdravljenja možganske kapi.
Keywords:možganska kap, rehabilitacija, fizioterapevtska obravnava
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6667 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19152131 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.05.2020
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Secondary language

Abstract:Introduction and objective: Stroke is a focal brain disease that occurs due to brain vessels damage. In humans, after a stroke, impairments can occur in the locomotor or other areas of human activity. Within the comprehensive post-stroke treatment provided by a multidisciplinary team, the main task of the physiotherapist is to establish, through a variety of physiotherapy methods and techniques, the restoration of patient's motor functions. In the thesis we focused on the process of patient’s post-stroke rehabilitation treatment. Methods: The data were collected through a literature review published between 2005 and 2019. Authors' research supported by evidence was used and it is presented in tabular form. Results: In the literature review we included 16 research studies that looked into post-stroke patient physiotherapy rehabilitation. Research findings have shown the increased effectiveness of combination methods and techniques in physiotherapy (PNF, Bobath, kinesiotherapy, hydrotherapy, FES) in improving the functional abilities of stroke patients. Combination therapy can effectively complement standard rehabilitation, as shown by research. Applicability: By reviewing the articles in Pubmed, we can demonstrate that physiotherapy procedures improve the quality of patient's life after a stroke. Limitations: More research is needed in the field of rehabilitation, prevention, awareness and treatment of stroke.
Keywords:stroke, rehabilitation, physiotherapy treatment
