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Title:Pred in poporodna telesna pripravljenost
Authors:ID Dolenc, Ina (Author)
ID Kresal, Friderika (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 322$$diplomska-naloga-ina-dolenc.pdf (855,78 KB)
MD5: 671109F50017E8232159248061B642D8
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Nosečnost in obdobje po porodu sta izjemno pomembni obdobji. Namen diplomske naloge je natančneje opredeliti vpliv telesne vadbe na telesno pripravljenost posameznic v predporodnem obdobju in njihov kasnejši porod, ter natančneje pregledati vrste telesnih dejavnosti, ki so zanje primerne. Izpostaviti je potrebno tudi pomembnost krepitve mišic medeničnega dna in vpliv telesne pripravljenosti na kakovost življenja žensk v pred in poporodnem obdobju. Metode: S pomočjo kritične proučitve literature smo opravili pregled vidikov pred in poporodne telesne pripravljenosti. Pri poglobljenem študiju literature smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo. Poiskali smo članke in recenzirano literaturo, ki je bila objavljena v obdobju zadnjih desetih let, v angleškem jeziku. Rezultati: Raziskave kažejo pozitiven vpliv telesne vadbe na predporodno telesno pripravljenost in kasnejši porod. Telesna pripravljenost vpliva tudi na kakovost življenja žensk v poporodnem obdobju. Uporabnost: Predstavitev pozitivnih učinkov telesne vadbe in dobre telesne pripravljenosti v pred in po porodnem obdobju, ki je podana na podlagi pregleda strokovne in znanstvene literature. Omejitve: Omejitveni dejavniki pri pripravi diplomske naloge so majhno število preiskovancev v študijah, nedostopnost do celotnega besedila raziskav in študije, ki so bile starejše od desetih let.
Keywords:Telesna pripravljenost (physical fitness), predporodno obdobje (prepartum period), poporodno obdobje (postpartum period), vadba (exercise), nosečnost (pregnancy).
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6668 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17638147 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Pre- and postpartum physical fitness
Abstract:Introduction and purpose: Pregnancy and postpartum period are extremely important periods. The purpose of this thesis is to thoroughly define the impact of physical activity on physical shape of women during prepartum period and later on the birth of their child and to thoroughly analyse the variety of physical activities that are appropriate for them. It is also important to stress the significance of strengthening pelvic floor muscles and the effect of physical fitness on the quality of life of women in pre- and postpartum period. Methods: We have made an overview of aspects of pre- and postpartum physical fitness by critically reviewing the literature. We reviewed literature that has been published in the last decade in english language. Results: Research shows a positive impact of physical exercise on prepartum physical fitness and childbirth. Physical fitness also impacts the quality of life of women during prepartum period. Usability: Presentation of positive effects of physical activity and good physical fitness during pre- and postpartum period. Limitations: The limiting factors of this thesis are a small number of subjects in the researches that have been done and a poor access to full articles that have been written more than ten years ago.
Keywords:Physical fitness, prepartum period, postpartum period, exercise, pregnancy.
