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Title:Fizioterapevtska obravnava bolnika po možganski kapi
Authors:Valant, Aleksander (Author)
Omejec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Možganska kap prizadene 5-9 odstotkov ljudi na 1000 prebivalcev v Sloveniji in predstavlja 10 odstotkov vseh umrlih zaradi možganskožilnih bolezni. Pojavi se zaradi nezadostne oskrbe možganov s krvjo, najpogostejši simptomi pa so motnje vida, ohromelost ali nezmožnost premikanja ene strani telesa, nerazločen govor ali nezmožnost govora in razumevanja, izguba zavesti, vrtoglavica, slabost z bruhanjem in motnje ravnotežja. Po končani stabilizaciji in zdravniški oskrbi bolnika z možgansko kapjo se prične njegova fizioterapevtska obravnava, ki je odvisna od področja in obsežnosti možganske kapi. Fizioterapevtska obravnava je usmerjena v ohranjanje in obnavljanje obsega gibanja sklepov, obnavljanje mišične moči in vračanje bolnika v njegove dnevne aktivnosti. Pri fizioterapevtski obravnavi bolnika po možganski kapi je, kot na vseh ostalih področjih fizioterapije, možno zaznati veliko metod in tehnik, ki pa niso nujno znanstveno potrjene in preverjene, prav tako pa je pod vprašajem njihova učinkovitost. Na podlagi vključenih raziskav ugotavljamo, da je pri fizioterapevtski rehabilitaciji bolnika po možganski kapi učinkovita kombinacija naslednjih tehnik in metod: z omejevanjem spodbujajoča terapija, fizioterapija z ogledali, intervencije za izboljšanje senzorike, navidezna resničnost, vaje ponavljajočih se gibov in vaje mentalne aktivnosti. Uporaba omenjenih metod in tehnik je učinkovita pri izvajanju 30-60 minut dnevno, 5-7 dni tedensko. V prihodnosti bo verjetno ustvarjen jasen in učinkovit protokol fizioterapevtske obravnave bolnika po možganski kapi, trenutno pa na podlagi zbrane literature ni možno podati drugega kot priporočila glede učinkovitosti metod in tehnik.
Keywords:možganska kap, rehabilitacija, možganska, fizioterapija
Year of publishing:2020
COBISS_ID:23837699  Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf 450$$valant.aleksander_-_diplomska_naloga_pred_tehnicnim_pregledom.pdf (919,14 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Physiotherapy in patient with stroke
Abstract:Stroke affects 5-9 percent of people per 1000 residents in Slovenia. It represents 10 percent of deaths caused by cerebrovascular diseases. Stroke is caused by a disruption in the blood flow to the brain and it causes the following symptoms: changes in sight, inability to move or feel on one side of the body, problems understanding or speaking, dizziness with or without nausea and changes in balance. Physiotherapy starts after the patient is properly stabilized and treated by the doctors. The interventions and methods used are dependant on the patient's status. The aims of the physioterapeutic rehabillitation are restoring the normal range of motion and muscular strength, restoring balance and facillitating the return to daily activities. A lot of different treatment modalities and aproaches can be detected in common physioterapeutic practice, furthermore most of these modalities and aproaches are not supported by evidence based medicine, neither is their therapeutic effect proven to be greater than others. Based on our literature review we find that the effective treatments and modalities used in physiotherapeutic rehabillitiation of a stroke patient are: constraint induced movement therapy, mirror physiotherapy, interventions that help with sensory input, virtual reality, repetitive task exercises and mental activity exercises. These treatments and modalities should be used in combination for 30-60 minutes daily, 5-7 times per week, to be effective. The creation of a treatment protocol that is clear and effective is a certanty in the future, but for the time being we can not offer the reader anything other than guidelines based on our literature review.
Keywords:stroke, rehabillitation, cerebral, physiotherapy
