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Title:Vadba proti uporu kot sredstvo za preprečevanje osteoporoze pri starejših odraslih
Authors:ID Železnik, Aljaž (Author)
ID Kresal, Friderika (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: B0543FD675A232937B478824C1E7C7F0
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Osteoporoza je bolezen kosti, pri kateri gre za upadanje kostne gostote in tkiva ter za arhitekturne spremembe v kosti, kar se odraža v zmanjšani kostni moči. Posledice so vidne v večji verjetnosti za zlome, ki se najpogosteje zgodijo v kolku, hrbtenici in zapestju. Bolezen je pogostejša pri starejših odraslih, še posebej pri ženskah. Zaradi staranja družbe se bodo ekonomske in zdravstvene posledice osteoporoze še povečevale, kar lahko preraste v globalni problem. Telesna vadba je ena izmed potencialnih metod za preprečevanje in zdravljenje osteoporoze, vendar ni jasno kateri tip, intenzivnost, frekvenca in trajanje telesne vadbe naj bi bili najbolj primerni za izboljšanje kostnih lastnosti. Raziskave nakazujejo, da vadba proti uporu omogoča ohranjanje ali izboljšanje mineralne kostne gostote, vsebnosti kostnih mineralov in mase. Odzivi, ki jih povzročijo mehanične obremenitve, v kosteh privedejo do povečane gradnje in zmanjšane razgradnje kosti, kar se odraža v ohranjanju ali izboljšanju kostnih lastnosti. Pregled literature nakazuje, da naj bi bila za izboljšanje primernejša vadba proti uporu zmerne ali visoke intenzivnosti izvedene pri 75% 1RM ali več. Vadba pod tem nivojem načeloma ohranja kostne lastnosti, vendar jih ne izboljšuje. Vadba proti uporu naj bi potekala dva do trikrat tedensko. Zmerno intenzivni programi naj bi vsebovali 8 do 12 vaj, ki zajemajo večje mišične skupine. Na vajo naj bi se izvedlo 2 do 3 serije z 8 do 12 ponovitvami. Pri višje intenzivnih programih se število vaj in ponovitev zmanjša, vendar se poveča število serij. Zaradi majhnega števila visoko intenzivnih študij je težko določiti primerno število serij, vaj in ponovitev. Vadba proti uporu, izvedena pod strokovnim nadzorom in s primernim povečevanjem obremenitev, je primerna za starejše odrasle tudi pri visoki intenzivnosti.
Keywords:mineralna kostna gostota, vadba proti uporu, trening jakosti, postmenopavzalno, starejši odrasli
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7053 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:42951939 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:11.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Resistance training as an intervention for prevention of osteoporosis for older adults
Abstract:Osteoporosis is a disease that causes a decline in bone density and tissue as well as architectural changes in bones, which is reflected in reduced bone strength. This means that there is a higher likelihood of fractures that are most commonly occurring in the hip, spine, and wrist. The disease is more common in older adults, especially women. As the society ages, the economic and health implications of osteoporosis will continue to increase, which can grow into a global problem. Physical exercise is one of the possible methods for preventing and treating osteoporosis. However, it is not clear which type, intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise is the most appropriate in order to improve bone properties. Research suggests that resistance training enables the maintenance or improvement of bone mineral density and bone mineral content and mass. Reactions caused by mechanical loads on bones lead to increased bone building and decreased bone breakdown. This process is reflected in the maintenance or improvement of bone properties. The literature review suggests that moderate or high-intensity resistance training should be performed at 75% 1RM or more in order to facilitate such progress. Any exercise below moderate level preserves bone properties but does not improve them. Resistance training should take place two to three times a week. Moderate intensity programmes should include 8 to 12 exercises with the inclusion of major muscle groups. 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions should be performed per exercise. In higher-intensity programmes, the number of exercises and repetitions decreases, but the number of sets increases. Due to the small number of high-intensity studies, it is difficult to determine the appropriate number of sets, exercises and repetitions. If resistance training is performed under professional supervision and with a gradual increase in load, it is suitable for older adults even at high intensity.
Keywords:bone mineral density, resistance training, power training, postmenopausal, older adults
