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Authors:Kolednik, Tonja (Author)
Oravecz, Robert (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:AMEU - Alma Mater Europaea - ECM
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Demenca predstavlja vse večjo skrb za javno zdravje. Poleg primanjkljaja kognicije in sprememb v vedenju se pri ljudeh z blago demenco ali drugo kognitivno okvaro pojavljajo tudi primanjkljaji v ravnotežju, koordinaciji in gibanju. Metode: Za teoretični del diplomskega dela smo uporabili opisno oziroma deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja. Ta zajema pregled domače in tuje strokovne literature. V sklopu empiričnega dela smo s pomočjo rezultatov Kratkega preizkusa spoznavnih sposobnosti vzorec najprej razdelili v tri skupine. V času raziskave smo vadbo za oskrbovance doma starejših občanov prilagodili in jo preoblikovali v tako imenovano multimodalno oziroma večkomponentno vadbo, ki je vključevala vaje za izboljšanje ali ohranjanje sklepne gibljivosti, vaje za povečanje moči spodnjih okončin in vaje za izboljšanje ravnotežja. Pred začetkom vadbe in po osmih tednih vadbe smo njihovo ravnotežje testirali z Vstani in pojdi- testom ter Bergovo lestvico. Enako smo storili tudi po osmih tednih multimodalne vadbe. Dobljene podatke smo nato analizirali s statističnim programom SPSS. Rezultati: Med začetnim in končnim testiranjem po Bergovi lestvici smo ugotovili izboljšanje ravnotežja po osemtedenski multimodalni vadbi povprečno za 1,57 točke. Zaradi statistične vrednosti, ki je znašala p=0,101 ne moremo reči, da gre za statistično pomembno razliko. Tudi pri Vstani in pojdi-testu se je čas trajanja izvedbe testa izboljšal za 1,47 sekunde. Gre za statistično pomembno razliko, saj vrednost statistične značilnosti znaša p=0,038. Na podlagi rezultatov smo ugotovili, da je ocena ravnotežja po Bergovi lestvici po izvedbi vadbe boljša kot pred vadbo v vseh treh skupinah. Statistično značilno razliko med začetno in končno meritvijo ocene ravnotežja po Bergovi lestvici smo ugotovili le pri skupini z blago stopnjo demence (p=0,035). Ugotovili smo tudi, da so osebe z blago in zmerno stopnjo demence dosegle večji napredek v izboljšanju ravnotežja kot osebe s hudo stopnjo demence. Razprava: Stopnja demence vpliva na sodelovanje in s tem na izboljšanje ravnotežja pri starostnikih z demenco. Statistično pomembnih razlik nismo našli, domnevno zaradi premajhnega vzorca, premajhne frekvence vadbe ter prekratkega trajanja izvedbe vadbe, ki bi jo bilo potrebno podaljšati vsaj za štiri tedne.
Keywords:demenca, stopnje demence, ravnotežje, multimodalna vadba
Year of publishing:2020
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical backgrounds: Dementia is a growing public health concern. In addition to cognitive deficits and changes in behavior, people with mild dementia or other cognitive impairment also experience loss of balance, coordination, and movement. Methods: For the theoretical part of the diploma work we used a descriptive research method. This includes a review of domestic and foreign professional literature. As a part of the empirical research, we first divided the sample into three groups, according to the results of the Mini mental state examination (MMSE). During the research, we adjusted their physical activity into a so-called multimodal exercise, which included exercises to improve or maintain joint mobility, increase strength of the lower extremities and improves balance. We tested their balance before and after eight weeks of physical activity with a Timed up and go test (TUG) and Berg balance scale (BBS). We performed the same tests after eight weeks of multimodal exercise. The gathered information was then statistically analysed with the SPSS Statistics program. Results: After eight weeks of multimodal exercise, we found that the balance between the initial and final testing improved by an average of 1.57 points, according to the Berg balance scale. Due to the p-value (p = 0.101), we cannot state that this is a statistically significant difference. In the Timed Up and Go Test (TUG), test results improved by 1.47 seconds, which is a statistically significant difference (p = 0.038). Based on the results, we found that the assessment of balance, according to the Berg balance scale, improved after multimodal exercise in all three groups. The only statistically significant difference between the initial and final measurement of balance according to the Berg balance scale was found in the group with mild dementia (p = 0.035). We also found that people with mild and moderate dementia, made better progress in improving balance, than people with severe dementia. Discussion: The degree of dementia has an influence on participation and therefore improving balance in the elderly with dementia. We did not find statistically significant differences, but this is related to a small research sample, low exercise frequency and too short duration of exercise, which would need to be extended by at least 4 weeks.
Keywords:dementia, stages of dementia, balance, multimodal exercise
