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Title:Demokracija in človekove pravice v Islamski republiki Iran : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Brženda, Ines (Author)
ID Mavčič, Arne (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Brzenda_Ines_i2020.pdf (1,64 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi je obravnavana tematika o demokraciji in človekovih pravicah v Islamski republiki Iran. Iran kot teokratična država z državno vero islam ima po določbah ustave vse zakone podrejene verskim zakonikom na temeljih islamskih načel. Metode, uporabljene med magistrskim delom, so bile družboslovno raziskovanje in primerjalna analiza. Uporabljena so bila tudi različna poročila mednarodnih organizacij o kršitvah človekovih pravic v Iranu. Skozi nalogo smo poskušali ugotoviti, ali je lahko Iran s svojim političnim sistemom demokratičen in kako zagotavlja varstvo človekovih pravic. Za razumevanje naloge je bilo pomembno, da je analizirana bogata zgodovine Irana in se tako pridobi razumevanje političnega razvoja. Zgodovinski razvoj ustave in analiza trenutno veljavne ustave nam omogoči pregled ustavnih pravic in spreminjanje le-teh v zadnjem stoletju. Ker je Iran teokratična država z islamsko vero, se je bilo treba seznaniti s pojmom islamske vrednote, božjimi zakoni, šeriatskim pravom. Na podlagi tega bomo lahko razumeli postopke sprejemanja zakonov, ki morajo temeljiti na omenjenih načelih. Spoznali smo lahko, da sta bogata zgodovina Irana in prisotnost vere islam močno vplivala na političen razvoj države, kot jo poznamo danes. Islamska vera ni samo verovanje v Boga, ampak narekuje verniku, kako se obnašati v vseh življenjskih situacijah. Globoka zakoreninjenost islamskih vrednot in prepletenost vere z vsakdanjim življenjem predstavljata za družbo velik izziv pri prilagajanju zahtevam sodobnega časa. To je trenutno največja bitka, ki jo bijejo Iranci med mladimi državljani, ki so željni sprememb, in starejšimi kleriki, ki se strogo upirajo kakršnim koli spremembam ali modernizaciji družbe.
Keywords:Islamska republika Iran, ustava, človekove pravice, islam, demokracija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[I. Brženda]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:IX, 119 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7549 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:50794499 New window
UDC:321.7: 342.7(55)(043.2)
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 9. 2. 2021;
Publication date in ReVIS:18.02.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master`s thesis deals with the topic of democracy and human rights in the Islamic republic of Iran. Iran as a theocratic state with state religion Islam has all laws subordinate to religious codes that must be based on Islamic principles. The methods used during the master's thesis were social science research and comparative analysis. Various reports from international organizations on human rights violations in Iran have also been used. Through the thesis, we tried to find out whether Iran can be democratic with its political system and how is ensuring the protection of human rights. To understand the thesis, it was important to analyze the rich history of Iran and from it gain the understanding of Iran%s political development. The historical development of the constitution and the analysis of the currently valid constitution gave us the needed overview of the constitutional rights and the changes over the last century. As a theocratic state with an Islamic religion, it was necessary to get acquainted with the concept of Islamic values, divine laws, Sharia law and, based on this, to help us understand the process of passing laws based on Islamic principles. We were able to realize that the rich history of Iran and the presence of the religion of Islam has strongly influenced the political development of the country as we know it today. The faith of Islam is not just a belief in God but encompasses and dictates to the believer how to behave in all life situations. And this strong intertwining of religion in everyday life situations and the deep-rootedness of Islamic values in society poses a major obstacle to the adaptation of society and values to modern times. This is currently the biggest battle being fought by Iranians between young people, citizens eager for change, and older clerics who are strictly opposed to any change or modernization of society.
