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Title:Dejavniki tveganja športnih poškodb pri košarkarjih prve slovenske lige
Authors:ID Valič, Eva (Author)
ID Marušič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kresal, Friderika (Comentor)
Files:.pdf 685$$diplomska_naloga_-_potrjena.pdf (1,48 MB)
MD5: A797B148CB475484160620194812A3EA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Profesionalni košarkarji so izpostavljeni tveganju za športne poškodbe (ŠP). Namen diplomskega dela je bil podati presečno stanje funkcionalnih asimetrij in rezultatov gibalnih testov s pojavnostjo poškodb košarkarjev prve slovenske lige. Metode: V študiji je sodelovalo 76 košarkarjev sedmih klubov prve slovenske lige. Pri meritvah smo uporabili stadiometer, osebno tehtnico, analizator telesne sestave, elektronski goniometer in tenziometrično ploščo. Rezultati: Med zabeleženimi ŠP je prevladoval zvin gležnja. Med nepoškodovanimi in kasneje poškodovanimi košarkarji so bile ugotovljene razlike v meritvah skoka z nasprotnim gibanjem (CMJ), obsegu notranje rotacije kolkov in večja odstopanja pri obsegu primika kolkov. Uporabnost: Na podlagi rezultatov naše raziskave lahko fizioterapevt v športnih klubih oblikuje splošne baterije funkcionalnih testov z namenom splošne evalvacije športnika in preventive pred ŠP. Omejitve: Glavni omejitvi naše raziskave sta presečni tip raziskave in omejen čas meritev ter posledično omejena baterija testov.
Keywords:športne poškodbe, prva slovenska liga, profesionalna košarka, zvin gležnja, dejavniki tveganja
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7625 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:54669315 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:12.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Sport injury predictors in slovenian first league basketball players
Abstract:Introduction and purpose: Professional basketball players are exposed to the risk of sports injuries (SI). The aim of the diploma thesis was to present a cross-sectional state of functional asymmetries and results of movement tests with the occurrence of injuries of basketball players of the first Slovenian league. Methods: The study involved 76 basketball players from seven clubs in the first Slovenian league. We used a stadium meter, a personal scale, a body composition analyser, an electronic goniometer and a tensiometric plate. Results: Among the recorded SIs, the most common was an ankle sprain. Differences in counter movement jump (CMJ) measurements, the extent of internal hip rotation and a greater deviation in the extent of hip adduction were found between uninjured and later injured basketball players. Usability: The findings may be important for the design of a general battery of functional tests that a physiotherapist would perform in sports clubs for the purpose of general evaluation of the athlete and prevention of SI. Limitations: The main limitation of our research is limited measurement time and therefore limited battery of tests.
Keywords:sport injuries, first Slovenian league, professional basketball, ankle sprain, predictors
