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Title:Pravni vidik spremljanja zaposljivosti diplomantov v povezavi s kakovostjo slovenskega visokega šolstva : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Lavrenčič Marković, Nana (Author)
ID Dežman, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DR_Lavrencic_Markovic_Nana_i2020.pdf (4,02 MB)
MD5: 1769724CD85E4E48B3704929C29CB175
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:V okviru disertacije sta predstavljena razvoj in pravna ureditev visokega šolstva, to je področje njegove kakovosti in znotraj nje zaposljivost diplomantov, in sicer v Evropi in v Sloveniji. Osrednji namen naloge je preveriti dve postavljeni hipotezi. Prva se nanaša na slovenske visokošolske zavode oziroma njihovo pravno ureditev spremljanja zaposljivosti diplomantov; druga pa na diplomante slovenskega visokega šolstva oziroma njihovo možnost vplivanja na izboljšanje kakovosti slovenskih visokošolskih zavodov. V okviru raziskave je bilo analiziranih triindevetdeset dokumentov - šestintrideset statutov, enaintrideset poslovnikov kakovosti ter šestindvajset samoevalvacijskih poročil šestinštiridesetih slovenskih visokošolskih zavodov - šestih univerz in štiridesetih samostojnih visokošolskih zavodov. Glavno omejitev raziskave sta predstavljali nizka stopnja objavljenosti v raziskavo zajetih dokumentov in še nižja stopnja odzivnosti visokošolskih zavodov na prošnjo za posredovanje neobjavljenih dokumentov. Analiza zbranih podatkov je pokazala, da na visokošolskih zavodih ni enotne metodologije spremljanja zaposljivosti diplomantov, saj je ta pravna ureditev pomanjkljiva in diplomanti imajo kot interesna skupina zanemarljive možnosti vplivanja na izboljšanje kakovosti visokošolskih zavodov. Trditve, da na kakovost lahko vpliva samo delovanje države kot pravodajalca, pa raziskava ni potrdila. Na podlagi ugotovitev je bilo oblikovanih devet predlogov za izboljšave, ki predstavljajo osrednji pomen in uporabnost disertacije
Keywords:visoko šolstvo, visokošolski zavod, zagotavljanje kakovosti v visokem šolstvu, zaposljivost diplomantov, spremljanje diplomantov
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Lavrenčič Marković]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:347 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7834 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:70552835 New window
Note:Doktorska disertacija 3. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:21.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:This dissertation deals with the development of higher education and its legal regime, as well as with the range of its quality and the employability of graduates within, both in Europe and in Slovenia. The central aim is to verify two formulated hypotheses: the first hypothesis concerns with the Slovenian higher education institutions or rather with their legal regime of monitoring the employability of graduates, whereas the second hypothesis concerns with the Slovenian higher education graduates or rather with their possibility to influence the quality of the Slovenian higher education institutions. Ninetythree documents were analysed for the purpose of this research: thirty-six statutes, thirty-one quality manuals and twenty-six self-evaluation reports provided by forty-six Slovenian higher education institutions % six universities and forty independent higher education institutions. The main limitation of this research lies in a low rate of published documents included and, or rather, the lack of responsiveness of the higher education institutions in disclosing unpublished documents. The analysis of the collected data shows that higher education institutions have no uniform methodology for monitoring the employability of their graduates due to the insufficient regulation, as well as that graduates, as the interest group, have negligible possibilities to influence the quality of higher education institutions. However, this research did not corroborate the hypothesis that the quality can be affected only by the State as the %executive legal body%. Based on this research%s conclusions, nine proposals for improvement were formulated % these represent the central importance and usefulness of this dissertation
