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Title:Premoženjska razmerja med razvezanima zakoncema : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Doles, Petra (Author)
ID Ahlin Doljak, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Doles_Petra_i2020.pdf (386,59 KB)
MD5: 82EC6C8B71A3DA2966EAD896B2A83036
Work type:Final reflection paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:S sprejetjem novega Družinskega zakonika (Uradni list RS, št. 15/17, 21/18 % ZNOrg, 22/19 in 67/19 % ZMatR-C), ki ureja razmerja med zakoncema oz. razvezanima zakoncema, in njegovimi novimi instituti je slovenski pravni red na področju družinske zakonodaje pri sklepanju zakonske zveze in izbiri premoženjskega režima zakoncema podelil večjo avtonomijo, ki se pa odraža v vzročni zvezi z marsikaterim drugim pravnim področjem in s tem zapolni pravne vrzeli predhodnika danes veljavnega zakona % Zakona o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih. Zakonska zveza s svojo veljavno sklenitvijo povzroči premoženjskopravne posledice, ki jih je potrebno opredeliti in razdeliti v primeru razveze zakonske zveze. Danes alternativno možnost za vnaprejšnjo ureditev teh razmerij, izhajajočih iz zakonske zveze, ureja pogodba o premoženjskih razmerjih med zakoncema, ki pa predstavlja diametralno nasprotje nekdaj kogentnemu zakonitemu premoženjskemu režimu. Premoženjska razmerja med razvezanima zakoncema zajemajo skupek vprašanj, ki zadevajo delitev in načine delitev premoženja ob razvezi, preživljanje nekdanjega zakonca ipd., zato to področje lahko razumemo kot kompleksen konglomerat pravnih prvin in medčloveških odnosov. Predmet obravnave bo izhajal iz materialnopravnih nazorov in orisoval premoženjskopravna razmerja, katerih temelj je razveza zakonske zveze. V sklopu dela so uporabljene: induktivno-deduktivna metoda, analitična metoda, komparativna metoda, metoda deskripcije, zgodovinska metoda, in pa metoda kompilacije. Preplet omenjenih metod pa bo zadostil namenu obravnavanega naslova; raziskati novo zakonodajo na področju družinskega prava. Ključni ugotovitvi pri raziskovanju sta sledeči: nova zakonodaja stremi k sporazumni razvezi ter, da je institut pogodbe o urejanju premoženjskopravnih razmerij v našem pravnem redu nujno potreben za doseg avtonomnosti volje posameznega zakonca
Keywords:razveza zakonske zveze, premoženje zakoncev, pogodba o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmerij, družinsko pravo
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Doles]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7879 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:70492675 New window
UDC:347.61/.64 (043.2)
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 16. 7. 2021;
Publication date in ReVIS:23.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:With the adoption of the new Family Code (Uradni list RS, št. 15/17, 21/18 % ZNOrg, 22/19 in 67/19 % ZMatR-C), which regulates the relations between the spouses or divorced spouses, and it%s new institutes, the Slovenian legal order in the field of family law in giving marriage and choosing the property regime gave the spouses greater autonomy, which is reflected in a close relation with many other legal areas and thus fills the legal gaps of the predecessor - Marriage and Family Relations Act. Marriage with its valid conclusion causes property consequences, which must be defined and divided in the event of divorce. Today, an alternative option for the prior regulation of these marital relations is governed by a co called prenup agreement between the spouses, which, however, represents a pure contrast to the once coherent legal property regime. Property relations between divorced spouses include a set of issues concerning the division and methods of division of property upon divorce, financial support of the former spouse, etc., so this area can be understood as a complex mosaic of legal elements and interpersonal relationships. The subject of the discussion will be based on substantive legal views and outline property law relations, the basis of which is divorce. The following are used in the work: inductive-deductive method, analytical method, comparative method, description method, historical method, and compilation method. The intertwining of the mentioned methods will fulfill the purpose of the considered title; explore new legislation in the field of family law. The key findings of the research follow: the new legislation seeks a consensual divorce and that the institute of a contract on the regulation of property relations in our legal order is absolutely necessary to achieve the autonomy of the will of an individual spouse
